100 Crit Dmg Item Teamfight Tactics

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Not Updated For Current Season

Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.19 hits servers tomorrow, and with it, hopefully some meta-busting changes, because the game right now is stale-o-Rama. Patch 9.19 comes with a new champion, Kai’Sa, and a eleven new items. We previously announced these items when they were supposed to be in patch 9.18, but they got bumped to tomorrow. Read more for the full ‘Teamfight Tactics’ Patch 9.19 Notes. R/TeamfightTactics: This is a subreddit devoted to League of Legends: Teamfight Tactics. (atk speed and on hit dmg, stacks up to 2 times) gangplank (e, spawns.

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

Jhin AD Carry 100% CRIT Build Guide!

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This stays true for really any assassin. If you're a squishy Jhin vs a AD heavy assassin such as Zed, chances are slim.



This is only if the enemy Sona builds AD. Again, youre very squishy and when both at level 10 a Sona can easily take down half of your health.


Its Volibear vs an AD Carry, nuff said.

Be mindful of enemy movements and trajectory to land tornados rebound damage!Plenty of bosses are either ground or ranged so bear/snake are good options. Chapter 7 of the dmg. Melee ones and those golems should be dealt with immediately, former chases and latter shoots fast making proper movement challenging. Stationary ranged creeps can be left alive if far away but try not to position yourself where the boss and mob shoot at you from perpendicular directions (plant boss with plant creep comes to mind).For the skull and spider, staff and tornado I found best due to homing and pierce respectively. Just eats through them since the splits spawn on top of each other.


This stays true with any range based champions. You can mostly out range all of them, use it to your advantage and you will dominate


ItemMy name is Kayotic. I like to call myself a Jhin main, but I know I'm far from it. I got to Pathfinder (level 5) with Jhin in only 3 days of playing him with multiple flawless games (using the build Im sharing) in my time playing. Recently I have been using a build from this website (forgot the name of the creator but if I find it I will credit him/her). However I knew about how Jhin's movement speed was increased greatly when he crits. So in an attempt to exploit this system, I made myself a build that gives Jhin 100% Crit chance, so you will never feel slow anymore. (Jhin is one of if not the slowest moving champion in LoL)


Be sure to make use of your Q ability; Dancing Grenade, as it makes for very easy farm and CS. Also, it has a very short cool down time, of only 5 seconds. Use the 'Final Shot' method. When you are on your guaranteed crit shot, (the most OP thing in the game) try to use it to poke down the enemy AD Carry or Support. If there is a Blitz, Thresh, etc support, move in awkward ways making sure to not make a pattern so you don't get pulled because getting out of a pull is not easy.

Pros / Cons

-High Damage
-Crits make you move faster
-Can Root enemies for easy ganking
-Insane Ultimate
-Great Range
-Great Farming ability
-Abilities are great for poke
-VERY squishy
-Slow moving, unless you hit a crit

100 Crit Dmg Item Teamfight Tactics Free

Teamfight Tactics Wiki

-Very difficult to master

100 Crit Dmg Item Teamfight Tactics 1

-If you get pulled by Blitz, Thresh, etc, expect death