Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Increase Pet Dmg

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  1. Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Pet Build
  2. Witch Doctor Diablo 3 Build

Stat Priority Patch 2.1.2

Your pets and you - Which stats increases pet dps and which doesn't As it may have come to the attention of Witch Doctors who attempts pet builds, some stats simply doesn't work with pets. Stats which I've confirmed does give a dps increase. Witch doctors command frightful magics that damage groups of enemies with clouds of acid, gouts of flame and swarms of locusts. They can even sacrifice the bodies of their pets to ravage their foes in a wave of bony shrapnel. Jan 22, 2016  All of your damage is increased by 20%, but your Mana costs are increased by 30%. Fierce Loyalty Fierce Loyalty. While you have a Gargantuan, Zombie Dog, or Fetish summoned, your movement speed is increased by 15%. This bonus is increased to 30% while a Gargantuan, Zombie Dog. What stats are the best for WD pets? WITCH DOCTOR. There are two ways to increase pet attack speed: Tasker & Theo gloves and party buffs.

Managing Primary (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Vitality) and Secondary (Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Attack Speed, Weapon Damage, Armor, etc.) stats is critical for maximizing your Witch Doctor. Below are listed the two stat priorities for both max damage and max survivability.


Weapon Damage > Intellect > Crit Chance >= Crit Damage > Attack Speed

Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Pet Build

Max Survivability

Installesd.dmg lion download free. Resists = Armor > Intellect = Vitality

DPS Stats Breakdown

Weapon Damage
Increases the damage dealt by skills. Higher top end weapon damage and a smaller damage range will produce stronger attacks.

Multiplies all Witch Doctor damage.

Crit Chance
Increases the base chance of obtaining a critical hit. Crit Chance is best stacked with Crit Damage at a ratio of about 1:8. For example, if you have 10% Crit Chance then you should have +80% Crit Damage. As a note, Crit Damage is much easier to obtain than Crit Chance so you may end up with more Crit Damage than is optimal for your amount of Crit Chance.

Crit Damage
Increases the damage done by critical hits. See the Crit Chance definition for more information on how to best stack Crit Damage with Crit Chance.

Attack Speed
Increases the frequency of your attacks and reduces the duration of the combat animation for each attack. A faster attack speed produces more attacks in less time and increases your mobility by reducing the time of combat animations.

Survival Stats Breakdown

Reduces the amount of damage received from specific types of attacks. Resists are offered for Physical, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Arcane/Holy, and All damage. Resist All is preferred over individual Resist types.

Reduces the amount of damage received from all attacks.

Minimally increases resists for all damage types.

Increases your maximum amount of Health.

Witch Doctor Stats

Witch Doctor Diablo 3 Build

The following stats are specific to a Witch Doctor:

Max Mana
Increases your maximum amount of Mana.

Mana Regeneration
Increases the amount of Mana regenerated per second. Mac command line tools download.

Witch Doctor Skill Bonus
These bonuses increase the damage of certain Witch Doctor skills. The skills that can be modified by skill bonuses found on armor and weapons are listed below:

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Guide Author: Illusions
Original Posting: Diablo: IncGamer's Forums

I haven't seen this built around so decided to create a thread about it because the Summoner Witch Doctor is under-rated.

I use a Summoner Build for my Witch Doctor and I'm able to solo inferno 5 and up with very minimal repairs required for this build. What is so special about this build is it requires absolutely NO MANA BOOST. You will never run out of mana.

Active Skills[editedit source]

  • Gargantuan (db) (Bruiser (db) - Stun is good and 200% weap dmg)
  • Summon Zombie Dogs (db) (Life Link (db) - Your only skill to get life)
  • Plague of Toads (db) (Addling Toads (db)..low mana, AoE, and confuses enemies.. what else do u need? Stay back and spam while ur pets kill)
  • Fetish Army (db) (Devoted Following (db) - Lowers cooldown to 68 secs)
  • Big Bad Voodoo (db) (Slam Dance (db) - All your pets get 30% dmg + 20% atk speed + 20% movement)
  • Spirit Walk (db) (Jaunt (db)) .. this is the only optional skill, can be replaced by Mass Confusion (Paranoia - for more dmg) OR Soul Harvest

Personally I would recommend Spirit Walk if your DPS is 120k + , if lower then that, you would need to boost damage with either (Mass Confusiondb) (Paranoia (db)) or (Soul Harvestdb) (rune of your choice, I wouldn't pick the mana one)


Passive Skills[editedit source]

  • Tribal Rites (db) (25% reduce cooldown on most of your skills, IT IS A MUST, your Fetish Army cooldown goes down to 51 secs)
  • Pierce the Veil (db) (your overall dmg increased by 20%. Your mana cost increased by 30%, who cares about increase of mana? The main skill you're gonna be spamming is 12 mana which is regenerated instantly when u cast almost.)
  • Fetish Sycophants (db) (these little guys are A LOT STRONGER than the active skill, but both are a deadly combination. If anyone knows the exact weapon dmg % of this passive skill please share.)

My DPS is around 175k without Big Bad Voodoo activated, so with Big Bad Voodoo activated , your Summon Zombie dogs get 9% + 30% so 39% of 175k , Gargantuan is 200% weapon dmg + 30% so 230% of 175k , Fetish Army is 20% base + 30% so 50% of 175k. The Fetish Sycophants are much stronger, I heard around 150% base or more but cant guarantee this.

You're probably gonna ask, why no Soul Harvest and why no Gruesome Feast?

No Soul Harvest because the Radius is only 15-16 yards. You're standing far from your pets who are attacking for you. Pointless.

Gruesome Feast. My gear doesn't have high Pickup Radius. If your gear does have high pickup radius you might want to use this skill

An easy way to get high DPS is by not sacrificing any crit hit chance on any equipment except the Mojo (I recommend using (Skorn (db) with crit hit dmg and a socket with 1400 dps+ for your 2H weapon, it will increase your dps by minimum 10k , by using that instead of a 1000 dps crit weap w/ socket + mojo)

My crit is ~ 40/450. I'm still wondering if my crit is transfered to my pets or if their damage % is [B]only[/B] based on my DPS. In my calculation above, only used DPS, will be checking for crit though.

Also, definately choose Anatomy with Scroundel for the extra 3% critical hit chance (it will remain activated even when Scroundel is dead. This will improve your DPS drastically if your crit hit dmg is high).

My crit is ~ 40/450 so 3% CHC extra gives me at least 5k dps extra.

External Links

If you want to search for more help on Witch Doctor Class, this is one good article to check out:

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