Highest Base Dmg Waeapons Warframe

  1. R/Warframe: Reddit community and official fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter,.Warframe. The game is currently in open.
  2. 13 days ago  The best melee weapons in Warframe (2020) Orthos Prime. Orthos Prime is a superb polearm weapon. You will need to be Mastery Rank 12 to use it, but taking this for a spin will make you. Nikana Prime. Silva and Aegis Prime. Zaws are the problem child of Warframe melee weapons.

This article is about Warframes (i.e., the best at dealing damage, tanking, and providing support and crowd control). Keep in mind that we all have preferences and different interpretations of the best. Each player should select what’s best for him or her. Without further ado, here are the Best Warframes rankings for each role.

Which Warframe has the best Damage/DPS?

Released in December 2014, this Warframe is the primed variant of the Nova frame. Rather than follow its unprimed frame coloring of white, it’s black with some blue over the shoulders and purple toward the hands and feet, along with gold highlights. With the largest energy pool (300.0 at max rank), Nova’s abilities can eliminate enemies quickly. Molecular Prime and Antimatter Drop are skills to utilize to maximize that huge energy pool to deal the most damage.

Molecular Prime sends a wave of antimatter that will prime enemies. In fact, the wave slows down enemies, and it detonates upon death, which could cause a chain reaction in the right circumstances. Antimatter Drop summons a slow projectile that can be steered using the HUD. As it travels, it absorbs any damaging projectile and explodes when it hits solid mass, which turns absorbed damage into boosted radiation damage, along with the base explosion damage. For added utility, Nova’s third ability, Wormhole, could be used to traverse long distances.

As a bonus to utility, when Nova Prime comes in contact with an Orokin Void Death Orb, she sends out a wave that replenishes her allies’ energy, even if you destroy the orb. It’s important to note that this frame moved to the Prime Vault, and its materials won’t drop anymore. However, it’s possible to trade pre-existing manufactured frames and materials obtained before the move.

Tigris Prime has the highest base damage compared to any weapon in the game. Vaykor Hek (MR12 shotgun) – Vaykor Hek can be obtained from Steel Meridian, this is a better version of the Hek variant. Boasts a better rate of fire, crit chance, and double mag capacity.

For more Warframe, check this out: Warframe Best Primary Weapons

How about the top Warframe for Tanking?

Nidus is a tough frame that can handle damage like a champ. A word from the grapevine is that it’s the essence of the increasing infestation that plagues the galaxy. Despite having no shields, Nidus’s survivability comes from his unique ability to channel the plague. The result is a passive ability that stacks mutation.

As for active skills, only the first two use energy, while the rest utilize mutation stacks. It’s easier to manage skills since they use up different resources. If Nidus dies with more than or equal to fifteen stacks left, he has a passive ability that uses up those stacks to give five seconds of invulnerability as well as restoring fifty percent of total health. As the spreadsheet updater notes, “As long as you have stacks, you will not die.”

As a runner-up to damage dealing frames, stacking mutation increases the damage that it deals and toughness. His fourth skill, Ravenous, generates a spawning ground of maggots that seek out and latch onto enemies. Then, they will continuously stun and inflict damage until various circumstances, such as the skill duration expiring or detonated by another skill, cause them to explode. The explosion deals blast damage to enemies up to four meters away. The maggots also draw aggro, providing crowd control opportunities (not to mention the passive health regen buff that the spawning ground gives to allies of all kinds). Overall, Nidus is a robust frame with reliable DPS and utility.

For more Warframe, check this out: Warframe Best Secondary Weapons

Which Warframe is favorable for Support?

A primed variant of the Trinity frame, Trinity Prime has more shield capacity and a faster sprint than her non-primed counterpart. She also got a recolor to a black frame with red and gold decals from the red and black color of the unprimed frame. The frame’s abilities revolve around supporting allies that either damage or stay near the targeted enemy, as well as those near her.

Well of Life, the first ability restores the health of allies. The second skill makes the enemy send out pulses of energy at set intervals, and the third one channels the damage received by an ally to a nearby enemy. However, the best ability of Trinity is Blessing (the fourth one). It restores the shield and health of allies in range, as well as giving a degree of damage immunity to them. As a bonus passive ability, when she comes in contact with a Death Orb, a wave that restores ally energy is released, similar to Nova Prime. At the end of the day, Trinity Prime is the go-to essential for healing and support frame, and her skills are more useful on resilient enemies.

For more Warframe, check this out: The Top Warframe Classes in 4 Categories

How about the greatest Warframe for Crowd Control?

Note: section is being retested, and ranking may change.

Released in October 2014, Limbo walks both the material plane and the Rift at will. In-game, he does it by either rolling or doing a side-spring or back-spring. Whenever he makes a move, a portal appears in his wake, allowing allies to enter the Rift for a limited time. His main Crowd Control (CC) mechanic revolves around his gift to send enemies to the Rift and using Stasis on them.

His first ability, Banish, damages enemies and sends them (along with his allies) out of the dimension he’s currently in. If Limbo is on the material plane, he can then enter the Rift and use Stasis, freezing enemies and their projectiles for a short time. Rift Surge rushes rift-bound enemies with energy and some additional effects that differ whether they are killed or banished to the material plane. Besides, Cataclysm creates a pocket of rift plane that sustains itself for a short time then it explodes.

Additional uses for Rift-Walking are that enemies on a different plane than Limbo, including his allies, cannot damage them. Also, it replenishes energy as long as they’re in the Rift. His abilities can be chained together, weaving in and out the dimensions and providing CC opportunities.

You’ve made it to the end of article three. Hurray! Thanks for reading the Best Warframes.

For more Warframe, check this out: How to Get Ivara Warframe


Whether you call it free-to-play or pay-to-win, gaming's latest schema is a hot topic on an even hotter streak. Its ethos is simple - download, duke it out and die. Die so many times in fact that you're obliged to drop a few dollars here and there just to redress the balance, to remain relevant, and to keep up with the winning team.

Warframe from Digital Extremes isn't quite as bad as all that, though, as ever, money does plenty of talking. Instead, the independent studio has crafted an exciting and enjoyable squad-based shooter with a heavy emphasis on variety. Stick with the basic set and you'll find yourself grinding away hours in the hopes of securing a cool, new way to play. Pay the toll and you'll have access to some of the sweetest suits this side of Pacific Rim, and all in less than a heartbeat. You might even say it's unfair..

Given the price of entry most gamers don't seem to mind, with Digital Extreme's latest figures pointing to 5.5 million players on the PC entry alone. To celebrate this massive mark, the studio has unveiled an all-new patch, complete with original warframe designs, games modes and more. To check out Warframe's developers discussing the update hit the video up top — for the 12.0 release notes, keep on reading.

NEW WARFRAMEZEPHYR - Specializing in air attacks and mobility, Zephyr dominates from above. Begin building her in the new Tenno Research Lab in your Dojo.

Highest Base Dmg Weapons Warframe

NEW MISSION TYPE - Interception: Intercept interplanetary communication that is being beamed to four towers on the map. The more towers you capture and hold, the faster you can decode the message. Keep the enemy at bay or they'll decode the message for themselves.

NEW WEAPONS - A number of new weapons are now available including the Phage Shotgun, Jat Kittag Jet Powered Polearm, Dual Cestra Sidearms and the Akstiletto Dual UZI.

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LEVEL EXPANSION - The Forest Tileset has returned and is now found in all “Earth” missions!

MOD STACKING - Mods will now be organized in stacks in the Arsenal to improve duplicate Mod management.

NEW TENNO LAB - The new Tenno Research Lab allows you to construct Warframes in a new way - in your Dojo!


NEW IN-GAME HUD - An updated Heads Up Display provides a refreshed and simplified playing experience.

ALTERNATE HELMET - A Paladin has never looked so good! Give Oberon a fresh look with a new Alternate Helmet - Oryx.

Warframe Melee Weapons

NEW WARFRAME SKINS - Customize your Warframe with four new Warframe Immortal Skins!


Unfortunately for PlayStation gamers, there's been no word yet as to when the update will appear for PS4. Having lagged behind its PC-cousin for some time, the two titles were finally aligned back in December, when Digital Extremes released the 'Valkyr Unleashed' 11.0 update. This compilation arrived some 3 weeks after its PC counterpart, though considering it also collected many other tweaks and updates, players should expect a longer turnaround this time out.

Highest Base Dmg Weapons Warframe Download

Are you more likely to buy a 20-dollar game or drop 20 dollars into a free-to-play title? Is a booming player-base enough to make you overlook a game's shortcomings? Where can Digital Extremes improve upon the overall Warframe package? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check in with all of the latest Warframe news, right here on Game Rant.


Warframe is now available to play on PC and PlayStation 4. The title utilizes a free-to-play model, with certain optional extras available for an added fee. Update 12 has not yet been confirmed for the PlayStation 4.

You can follow Sam on Twitter @GamingGoo.

Source: Warframe Blog, VG 24/7

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