Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg

Impale% or socket on Holy Point Shot for Shadow Impale? I have a basic legendary Holy Point Shot with 20% ele, 677 dex, 16% AS, 9% CHC. I had rerolled a socket on it when I first found it by replacing elemental arrow damage. I remember reading somewhere that a socket on HPS isnt that great so should I reroll the socket as Impale. Oct 29, 2018  But I may get an ancient of this with no socket and get to use my first Socket making gift 🙂 In a perfect world. Offhand: Holy Point Shot Dex, Attack Speed%, Physical Dmg% (or fire or Changed to Dmg), Vit, Res All, Life%, (Vitality) Socket. That's the roles I want off the top of my head. Imagine it would take days of game time to come close.

  1. Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg 1
  2. Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg 3
  3. Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg Free

Build Guide


-> activate Shadow Skill 1x after entry the grift.It will last forever from Shadow 4 set bonus,until you die.
-> use Vengence Skill(Dark Heart rune) on cdr to get 50% dmg reduction(37% cdr to have perma Vengence
with Dawn in cube).With 1 cdr roll on your shoulder + Gogok gem & paragon.You will have perma Vengeance.

Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg 1

You can numlock Vengeance skill too.

-> use Companion(Wolf Companion) for 15% multiplicative dmg boost for you & your team.


Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg 3

-> use Vault for better mobility.
-> use Mark for Death(Valley of Death) on the grouped pack,s,where your wd try to kill the trash. The skill is a 15% additive dmg boost. It will help your team mate DPS WD to clear trash a bit faster.
- > Your jobin 4 man team is to kill elite/s(with very low HP) & boss & help your supp Barb
to scouting & aggro mobs to follow you where your WD fights to create a more bigger density.Collecting globes on the groud too for your WD.DPS WDrole is to clear the trash in team.Supp Monk trys to keep the WD & you alive with many def. buffs.You Try to stay in Inner Sanctury from Monk at bossfight Which gives a lot dmg reduction.Supp Barb gives you with Ignore Pain,War Cry good def. Csgo dmg does not match hits. buffs too. He scouts after mobs,pulls/drags many trash mobs/elite packs to a good place. Where your WD kills the trash. Barb has Nemesis bracer equiped & produces many globes/collect them for WD to make WD dmg stronger(WD passive Cruesome Feast). By the bossfight you kill the boss with your high attackspeed/good single target dmg & Stricken gem. Keep the 10 yards distance for the 20% dmg boost from Steady Aim passive.

Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg

Holy Point Shot Socket Or Impale Dmg Free

->try to stay in Ocuulus ring cycle to get up to 85% dmg boost.Your team mates(supp barb & supp Monk) have equiped the ring.

-> Bosses with adds like Hamelin,Perendi,Eskandiel,Saxtris are very annoying,because you will hit sometimes not the desired target.