Homebrew Class Scaling Dmg Abilities

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  1. Jun 06, 2019  Also that would only let you apply feats, not class abilities like the scaling damage. That is wrong - Ascetic Style works for a whole bunch of stuff, including class features. The feat says 'effects that augment an unarmed strike', and a Monk's scaling unarmed strike damage (and thus also the Brawling Blademaster's Empty Hand ability.
  2. Its an increase sure, but not usually a 1-hit kill scenario at any point. Things get a little wonky with some weapon classes scaling, but otherwise the level 10 and level 15 stuff is usually like +6 to 10 dmg max compared. Some things I haven't crunched yet: 1) If I don't increase BAB can level 1 guys in level 10 gear even hit each other?
  3. Also that would only let you apply feats, not class abilities like the scaling damage. That is wrong - Ascetic Style works for a whole bunch of stuff, including class features. The feat says 'effects that augment an unarmed strike', and a Monk's scaling unarmed strike damage (and thus also the Brawling Blademaster's Empty Hand ability.
  4. For Player Characters. Along with being intended to be used by player characters, dungeon masters are encouraged to use this section to design and run playing sessions and to take improving, reviewing, or removing templates into consideration in their campaigns.
  5. What is the difference between spell damage and ability damage? What is the difference between spell damage and ability damage? Think God Pbe. Submitted in Champions & Gameplay Feedback - Now Disabled. For new masteries like sorcery and stuff how do i know if it will apply to talons rake etc?
  6. The transformation will permanently change Kayn's abilities and grant him Homeguard. Shadow Assassin: If Kayn has been out of champion combat for over 8 seconds, or he casts Umbral Trespass, he deals 12% − 44% (based on level) of post-mitigation damage dealt against champions as bonus magic damage, lasting for 3 seconds upon entering combat and also applying on the first instance of damage dealt.
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This class is a (almost) total remake of the sorcerer of the D&D 5e player manual. Taking away all but his key features and giving it a couple extra abilities. Beast Hunter. A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing to fufill the hunt, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either the self or the enemies.

  • 3Class Features
  • 4Class Features
  • 5Blue Mage Paths
  • 7Azure Lore Spell List

Blue Mage[edit]

Design Note: This class uses the optional spell points system (DMG p. 289). If you wish to use spell slots instead, use the progression at Three-Quarters Spellcaster (5e Variant Rule)

A blue mage specializes in hunting monsters and absorbing part of their essence to learn new spells.

Creating a Blue Mage[edit]

Blue Mage from Final Fantasy XI (Square Enix) (Source)

How did your character come to practice Blue Magic?

Quick Build

You can make a blue mage quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Intelligence, followed by Charisma. Second, Choose the Sage or Charlatan background. Third, choose a scimitar, a shield, leather armor and a scholar's pack for starting equipment.

Class Features

As a Blue Mage you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Blue Mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Blue Mage level after 1st


Armor: Light, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, scimitars, short swords, daggers
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Performance or Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Scimitar or (b) A Short Sword
  • (a) A Shield or (b) Two Daggers
  • Leather Armor
  • (a) An Explorer's Pack or (b) A Scholar's Pack

Table: The Blue Mage

FeaturesSpell PointsMax Spell Level
1st+2Azure Lore (1/rest), Spellcasting41st
3rd+2Blue Mage Path122nd
4th+2Ability Score Improvement162nd
5th+3Azure Lore (2/rest)202nd
7th+3Blue Mage Path Feature283rd
8th+3Ability Score Improvement323rd
10th+4Azure Lore (3/rest)404th
12th+4Ability Score Improvement485th
14th+5Azure Lore (4/rest)565th
15th+5Blue Mage Path Feature606th
16th+5Ability Score Improvement646th
17th+6Azure Lore (5/rest)686th
19th+6Ability Score Improvement767th

Class Features[edit]


Preparing and Casting spells

The Blue Mage table shows how many spell points you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend spell point to create a spell slot of a given level, as shown in the table below. You cannot create a spell slot that exceeds your maximum spell level, as shown in the Blue Mage Table. You can't reduce your spell point total to less than 0, and you regain all spent spell points when you finish a long rest.

Spell LevelPoint Cost

You prepare the list of blue mage spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the blue mage spell list and the spells you have acquired through your learning feature. When you do so, choose a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your blue mage level (minimum of one spell).

Homebrew Class Scaling Dmg Abilities

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of blue mage spells requires 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your bard spells. The power of your magic relies on your ability to harness the knowledge you’ve acquired from many creatures You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a blue mage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

  • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
  • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a light weapon as a spellcasting focus for your blue mage spells. When you do so, you can also use the weapon in place of the somatic component of the spell.

Azure Lore[edit]

You can can use your knowledge of blue magic to create different effects. You start with one such effect: Learning.

When you use your Azure Lore, you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Azure Lore again.

At 5th, 10th, 14th and 17th level you gain a new Azure Lore effect, chosen from the list below. Each time you gain a new effect, you can use Azure Lore an additional time between rests. When you finish a short or long rest, your regain all your expended uses.

Azure Lore: Learning

You can use your action to try to absorb the essence of a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target makes a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, you gain a blue mage spell. The target automatically fails the saving throw if it is incapacitated.

You can choose any blue mage spell that meets the prerequisites. When you gain a new blue mage spell beyond your maximum, you can choose to replace one of your blue mage spells with the new one.

Azure Lore: Azure Enhancement

You can use a bonus action to increase the potency of your blue magic. For 1 minute, you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to the DC of saving throws of your blue mage spells.

Azure Lore: Burst Affinity

When you or a friendly creature within 30 feet of you casts a spell that includes a hostile creature as a target, you can use your reaction to cast a blue mage spell, which is resolved after the initial spell. The spell must share a damage type or school of magic with the initial spell, and it must target the same creature as the initial spell.

Azure Lore: Chain Affinity

When you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of you makes a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to cast a blue mage spell against the same target. If the damage type of your spell is different to the damage type of the initial attack, you add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll of your spell.

Azure Lore: Convergence

When you cast a blue mage spell that would target more than one creature, you may have the spell effect just one target of your choice. If you do so, increase any damage die dealt by the spell by one step (for example, a spell that would deal 3d6 damage would instead deal 3d8 damage), and if the spell requires the target to make a spell saving throw, the DC is increased by 2.

Azure Lore: Diffusion

When you cast a blue mage spell that would target yourself or one friendly creature, you can also have it effect four other creatures you choose than you can see within 30 feet.

Azure Lore: Efflux

When you cast a blue mage spell that deals weapon damage, you can reroll any of the damage dice, accepting the new result.

Azure Lore: Unbridled Learning

When you use Azure Lore: Learning, you can also use this effect to meet the prerequisites for learning certain blue mage spells. You must also use this effect again when casting such spells.

Blue Mage Path[edit]

Each blue mage may have learned their spellcraft from a few different sources. At 2nd level you choose one of these origins and follow the path laid out by them. Choose Path of the Dragoon or Path of the Immortals. Your choice grants you additional features at 7th and 15th level.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Blue Mage Paths[edit]

Path of the Immortals[edit]


At 7th level, you gain one additional use of Azure Lore between rests.


At 15th level, when you use Azure Lore: Chain Affinity, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action. If the damage type of the attack is different to the triggering attack and the blue mage spell you cast, you deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Path of the Dragoon[edit]


You can use a spear as an arcane focus and use it in place of the somatic component for a blue mage spell you cast with it.

When you hit a creature with your spear, you can immediately use Azure Lore: Learning against that target. If you do, you deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target, you regain the same number of hit points and 1 spell point.

Blue Mage Spell List[edit]

1st Level
  • detect evil and good, detect magic, hunter's mark
2nd Level
  • alter self, darkvision, locate animals or plants
3rd Level
4th Level
5th Level
6th Level
7th Level

Azure Lore Spell List[edit]

You can acquire blue mage spells listed below when you use your learning class feature. Spells might have prerequisites that both you and the target creature must meet to be available to you.

Some spells have a prerequisite that the learning target has a particular trait or action. Where multiple traits or actions are listed, you choose one. This is known as the 'learning trait' or 'learning action'.

Weapon Attacks with Spells

Some blue mage spells allow you to make a melee weapon attack. In these cases, you are always considered proficient with the weapon it manifests, and it has the finesse property. As it is a weapon attack, add your Strength or Dexterity modifier to the damage roll.

Reproducing Learning Actions

Some blue mage spells allow you to reproduce the effect of a learning action. When you do so, you substitute your spell save DC for any saving throws used in the action.

Unbridled Learning

Some spells have the unbridled learning tag. You must use Azure Lore: Unbridled Learning to learn such a spell, and again when you cast it.



Prerequisite: Target with an attack or feature that deals acid, cold, fire, poison or lightning damage; or a target that knows a cantrip.
You gain a cantrip. You can choose one cantrip that the target had cast no longer than 1 minute ago, or one of the following cantrips. The cantrips available to you depend on the damage types that the target could inflict.

Homebrew Class Scaling Dmg Abilities 1

Damage TypeCantrip
acidacid splash
coldray of frost
firefire bolt
poisonpoison spray
lightningshocking grasp
Natural Weapon

Prerequisite: Learning target has a bite, claw, gore, ram or tentacle attack.
Transmutation; 1 action; V,S
You briefly manifest a natural weapon. Make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet, dealing 1d8 damage on a hit. The damage type depends on the learning action, and each attack as an additional effect, as indicated below.

  • Bite (piercing) or claw (slashing): The attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
  • Gore (piercing) or ram (bludgeoning): If you moved 20 feet straight towards the target prior to casting this spell, then if you hit the target must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Tentacle (bludgeoning): If the attack hits, you grapple the target.

This spell's damage increase by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8) only if the learning action deals 2 dice of damage; 11th level (3d8; 3 dice); and 17th level (4d8; 4 dice).

For example, if you learn this spell by using Learning a giant shark's bite attack, it deals 3d8 piercing damage if you are 11th level; otherwise 2d8 damage if you are 5th level or 1d8 if you are 1st level.

You can learn this spell multiple times, each time choosing a different kind of attack.



Prerequisite: 1st level; learning target has an action that has a cone area of effect which deals damage.
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
You breathe something in a 15 ft. cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw (per the learning action), taking 3d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The type of damage is the same as that dealt by the learning action.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st, if the learning action dealt the same number of dice of damage or more.

Charm Person

Prerequisite: 1st level; learning target has an action that can charm creatures.
You gain the charm person spell.


Prerequisite: 1st level; learning target has a constrict or tentacle attack that can restrain
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
You briefly manifest a long snake-like tail or tentacle. Make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 10 feet. On a hit you deal 2d8 bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled. Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained.

Natural Armor

Prerequisite: 1st level; learning target has natural armor.
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
For 1 hour, your AC increases by 1 if you are wearing light armor or no armor.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level, your AC increases by 2 if the learning target's AC was 16 or higher. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level, your AC increases by 3 if the learning target's AC was 18 or higher.

Spell (1st Level)

Prerequisite: 1st level; target cast a 1st level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the 1st level spell that the target cast.


Prerequisite: 1st level; learning target has an action that has a line area of effect which deals damage.
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
You spray something in a line that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The type of damage is the same as that dealt by the learning action.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st, if the learning action dealt the same number of dice of damage or more. In addition, the length of the line increases to 60 ft. if a spell slot above 3rd is used.

2nd Level[edit]


Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target has the amphibious trait.
Transmutation; 1 action; S
You can breathe in air and water for 8 hours.

Change Shape

Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target has a change shape action.
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
You reproduce the effect of the learning action.


Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target can hover
You gain the levitate spell (self only)

Misty Step

Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target can teleport
You gain the misty step spell.

Natural Advantage

Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target has a trait that grants it advantage with one or more skills.
Transmutation; 1 action; V, S
For 8 hours, you gain the learning trait.

Spell (2nd Level)

Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target cast a 2nd level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the 2nd level spell that the target cast.

Spider Climb

Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target has the spider climb trait.
You gain the spider climb spell (self only)


Prerequisite: 3rd level; learning target has telepathy
Transmutation; 1 action; S
For 1 hour, you can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 120 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

3rd Level[edit]


Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has blindsight
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
For 1 hour you have blindsight to 60 feet. You are blind beyond this radius, but are immune to the blinded condition. You can end the effect early at the start of your turn.


Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has an action or trait that can make a creature frightened.
Transmutation or Illusion; 1 action; S, V
If this was gained from a learning action, you reproduce the effect of the learning action, and this spell is an illusion.
If this was gained from a learning trait, you gain the effect of the trait for 1 minute, and this spell is a transmutation.


Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has a fly speed
You gain the fly spell (self only)

Legendary Resistance (Unbridled Learning)

Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has legendary resistance
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
Once during the next 8 hours, if you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead.

Homebrew Class Scaling Dmg Abilities List

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can choose to succeed on an additional saving throw within the duration, providing the learning target had as many uses of legendary resistance.

Magic Resistance

Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has magic resistance
For 1 hour you have advantage on saving throws made against spells and other magical effects.


Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has a resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder
You gain the protection from energy spell (only the damage types listed above that the learning target has resistance to).

When you learn this spell again from a creature with a different damage resistances, you add those resistance to the types available to you when you cast this spell.


Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has an action that halves a creature's movement or limits the actions it can take.
Transmutation; 1 action; S, V
When you cast this spell, you reproduce the effect of the learning action.

Spell (3rd Level)

Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target cast a 3rd level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the 3rd level spell that the target cast.

Vampire's Bite

Prerequisite: 6th level; learning target has a weapon attack that allows it to regain hit points on a hit.
Necromancy; 1 action; S, V
Make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage. In addition, the target takes an extra 3d6 necrotic damage and you regain the same amount of hit points.

4th Level[edit]

Spell (4th Level)

Prerequisite: 9th level; learning target cast a 4th level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the 4st level spell that the target cast.


Prerequisite: 9th level; learning target has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren't adamantine.
You gain the stoneskin spell (self only).

5th Level[edit]

Incorporeal Movement

Prerequisite: 12th level; learning target has incorporeal movement
Transmutation; 1 action; V,S
For 1 minute you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

Homebrew Class Scaling Dmg Abilities Examples

Gaze (5th level)

Prerequisite: 12th level; learning target has hypnotic gaze
Enchantment; 1 action; S
You reproduce the effect of the learning action, using your spell save DC.


Prerequisite: 12th level; learning target has an action that paralyze a creature.
Transmutation; 1 action; V, S
You reproduce the effect of the learning action, using your spell save DC.

Spell (5th Level)

Homebrew Class Scaling Dmg Abilities Download

Prerequisite: 12th level; learning target cast a 5th level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the 5th level spell that the target cast.

6th Level[edit]


Prerequisite: 15th level; learning target has an action that can turn a creature to stone
When you cast this spell, you reproduce the effect of the learning action.

Spell (6th Level) (Unbridled Learning)

Prerequisite: 15th level; learning target cast a 6st level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the the 6th level spell that the target cast.


Prerequisite: 15th level; learning target has truesight.
Divination; 1 action; S, V
You gain truesight to 120 feet for 1 hour.

7th Level[edit]


Prerequisite: 18th level; learning target has an etherealness action or trait.
You gain the etherealness spell (self only)

Spell (7th Level) (Unbridled Learning)

Prerequisite: 18th level; target cast a 1st level spell no longer than 1 minute ago.
You gain the 7th level spell that the target cast.


When you multiclass with another class that has a spellcasting feature, instead of gaining spell slots from that class you gain spell points (Dungeon Master's Guide p.288). Similarly, if you multiclass into blue mage from another spellcasting class, convert the spell slots of that class into spell points.

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Blue Mage class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Intelligence, 13 Dexterity

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Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the blue mage class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons, shortsword, scimitar

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