How To Ignore Spells On Details Dmg Meter

  1. How To Ignore Spells On Details Dmg Meter Free
  2. How To Ignore Spells On Details Dmg Meter Download
  • Warlord Reduces the Stamina cost of spells and abilities by x% 10 Ensnare Grants a 33% chance to reduce an enemy's Movement Speed by 20% for 3 seconds any time you hit them with a Bash attack 30 Inspiration Boost Increases Inspiration gain by 20% 75 Mara's Gift When killed heal all allies in an 8 meter radius for (xxxx).
  • Dec 20, 2019  If you wanna beat the world logs u can easily do it with a proper calculation and with the right usage of the spell and others. But for the benefit of the raid, FH is the way atm, IF you have the correct duration. As soon as the duration is changed, the most effective spell can change easily. Sry trying not to go too deep.
  • Second, as a former WoW raider, damage meters was a big reason why I became a good raider; I was able to see if I can continue to do damage while dodging fires, improve my rotations, etc. Also, the meter is more than just 'damage done' or 'DPS', it also showed how much damage I took, how many spells I was able to interrupt, etc.

As text:
Warrior: + Health
SteedResistant Reduce the damage you take from critical hits by [x]%
Medium Armor Focus Increases your Armor by [x]% while wearing 5 or more pieces of Medium Armor
Spell Shield Increases Spell Resistance by [x]%
Block Expertise Reduces the cost of blocking by [x]%
10 Invigorating Bash Gives you a 20% chance to restore (xxx) Health when you bash an enemy
30 Phase After you block an attack, increase dodge by 10% for 3 seconds, cooldown 20 seconds
75 Shield Expert Increases the Armor and Spell resistance of shields by 75%
120 Reinforced When blocking gain a damage shield for (xxx) every 20 seconds
LadyLight Armor Focus Increases your Armor by [x]% while wearing 5 or more pieces of Light Armor
Thick Skinned Reduces the damage you take from DoTs by [x]%
Elemental Defender Reduces Flame, Frost and Shock damage by [x]%
Hardy Reduces Poison/Disease/Magic damage by [x]%
10 Spell Absorbtion Restores (xxxx) Magicka when you take Magic Damage = 20% of your health
30 Resilient Restores (xxx) Health when you are hit by a critical attack
75 Critical Leech Restores (xxx) Health when you are physically crit
120 Unchained Reduces the Stamina cost of abilities by 80% for 8 secs after breaking free of stun, knockdown, fear, disorient or stagger
LordQuick Recovery Increases the effectiveness of healing received by [x]%
Heavy Armor Focus Increases your Armor by [x]% while wearing 5 or more pieces of Heavy Armor
Bastion Increases the effectiveness of damage absorbing effects by [x}%
Nourishing Increases the effectiveness of healing potions by [x]%
10 Combat Medic Reduces the damage received while resurrecting another player by 15%
30 Determination Absorbs (xxx) damage after drinking a Potion
75 Revival Absorbs (xxxx) damage over 5 seconds after you are resurrected
120 Infusion Increases another player's Magicka Regeneration by (xxx) after you resurrect them
Mage: + Magicka
RitualPrecise Strikes Increases the critical damage of your physical attacks by [x]%
Piercing Increases the amount of armor your physical attacks ignore by [x]%
Thaumaturge Increases your damage with poison/disease/magic by [x]%
Mighty Increases your physical damage by [x]%
10 Opportunist Increases the damage of your next physical attack by 50% after you interrupt a target
30 Perfect Strike Increases your weapon critical by 12%
75 Exploiter Increases your damage against off balance enemies by 10%
120 Last Stand Grants Major Heroism when you fall below 20% health, increasing your Ultimate gain by 3 every 1.6 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds
AtronachHeavy Weapon Expert Increases damage of light/heavy attacks with maces/axes by [x]%
Bow Expert Increases damage of light/heavy attacks with bows by [x]%
Blade Expert Increases damage of light/heavy attacks with swords/daggers/greatswords by [x]%
Staff Expert Increases damage of light/heavy attacks with staves by [x]%
10 Retaliation Increases the damage of your next physical attack by 30% after blocking a heavy attack
30 Riposte Returns 25 damage to the attacker when you block a melee attack
75 Tactician Sets enemies off balance when you successfully roll dodge to avoid their attack
120 Butcher Light/Heavy attacks deal 5% extra damage to targets below 25% health
ApprenticeElemental Expert Increases your Flame, Frost and Shock damage by [x]%
Blessed Increases the effectiveness of any healing you initiate by [x]%
Elfborn Increases your spell critical damage and healing by [x]%
Spell Erosion Increases the amount of Spell Resistance your spells ignore by [x]%
10 Vengeance Guarantees your next spell will be a critical after you block 3 spells
30 Spell Precision Increases your spell critical by 12%
75 Foresight Reduces the Magicka cost of next spell by 80% after drinking a potion
120 Arcane Well Grants 20% chance when you kill enemy of opening an Arcane Well, which restores (xxxx) Magicka to you and any allies within 2.5m of the enemy
Thief: + Stamina
TowerMagician Reduces the Magicka cost of spells by [x]%
Tumbling Reduces the Stamina cost of Roll Dodging by [x]%
Bashing Focus Reduces the Stamina cost of Bash attacks by [x]%
Warlord Reduces the Stamina cost of spells and abilities by [x]%
10 Ensnare Grants a 33% chance to reduce an enemy's Movement Speed by 20% for 3 seconds any time you hit them with a Bash attack
30 Inspiration Boost Increases Inspiration gain by 20%
75 Mara's Gift When killed heal all allies in an 8 meter radius for (xxxx)
120 War Mount Improves your mastery with mounts, removing all Stamina cost outside of combat
LoverHealthy Increases health regen by [x]%
Mooncalf Increases stamina regen by [x]%
Arcanist Increases magicka regen by [x]%
Tenacity Increases the amount of Magicka and Stamina your heavy attacks restore by [x]%
10 Fortune Seeker Increases the amount of gold you find in chests by 50%
30 Synergizer Grants 2 Ultimate any time you activate a Synergy
75 Treature Hunter Increases the quality of items you find in chests
120 Windrunning Increases your movement speed by 2%
ShadowSprinter Reduces the cost of sprinting by [x]%
Elusive Reduces the duration of all snare, fear and disorient effects on you by [x]%
Nimble Reduces damage dealt to you by [x]% when you roll dodge (?)
Shade Reduces the Stamina cost of moving in stealth by [x]%
10 Plentiful Harvest Grants you a 10% chance to double the harvest from normal resource nodes
30 Merchant Favored Reduces the cost of armor repairs by 10%
75 Master Gatherer Reduces gathering time by 50%
120 Shadowstrike After killing single target with heavy attack, enter stealth for 2.5 seconds

Apr 12, 2008  If your guild DPS is obsessed with damage meters, here is an easy way to always put yourself in the top 5. Its assuming you are using the RECOUNT damage meter , Recount does sync with other players so all of them will see the same numbers you do.The other popular damage meter is SWStats, I do have a hack for that as well but I don't have a version atm thats working with 2.4 - I will. Install virtualbox on mac. Numeration is minimalistic damage and healing meter. It aims to be as memory and cpu efficient as possible for the data it stores. I have used it for a long time, but never polished it enough to release it to the general public, mainly because of the lack of ingame configuration options. I use Details as my damage meters. Last night during raid I saw that I was doing pretty well, pretty much always top 1 or 2. This is confirmed by other meters as well by other players. Burn files to dvd drive. But surprisingly, when the night is over and I uploaded the attempts to warcraftlogs, the damage done. Ring of Spell Storing, DMG 192. This ring stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the ring by touching the ring as the spell is cast. The second time, when the spell is cast from the ring: Ring of Spell Storing, DMG 192.

If your guild DPS is obsessed with damage meters, here is an easy way to always put yourself in the top 5. Its assuming you are using the RECOUNT damage meter (), Recount does sync with other players so all of them will see the same numbers you do. The other popular damage meter is SWStats, I do have a hack for that as well but I don't have a version atm thats working with 2.4 - I will post when I update it. I find recount much better than swstats, so try to convince guildies to use Recount.
The trick is basically to constantly inject 'fake damage' into recount. Make a new macro, and type one of the following depending on whether you are a melee (rogue, warrior, enh shaman, etc) or caster (mage, warlock, etc).
/script Recount:CombatLogEvent(nil,GetTime(),'SWING_DAMAGE ',UnitGUID('player'),UnitName( 'player'),0x511,UnitGUID('target'),UnitName('T arge t'),0x10a48,1250+random(500),1 ,0,0,0,1,nil,nil);

How To Ignore Spells On Details Dmg Meter Free

/script Recount:CombatLogEvent(nil,GetTime(),'SPELL_DAMAGE ',UnitGUID('player'),UnitName( 'player'),0x511,UnitGUID('target'),UnitName('T arge t'),0x10a48,27072,'Frostbolt', 0x10,1975+random(1000),16,0,0,0,1,nil,nil);
Some explanations:
SWING_DAMAGE or SPELL_DAMAGE are the damage types. There are others, such as Heals, DOTs, and probably ranged. I don't have a hunter so I'm not really sure what their damage is like.
The number 0x511 means the damage was caused by you, a player, shouldn't have to change this.
The number 0x10a48 means that the damage was caused against a hostile NPC that you were targeting. Shouldn't have to change this.
For the MELEE people, 1450+random(500) is how much damage your swing was. Can make it higher or lower, as you please. The random() is there so every melee attack isn't the same amount. The ,1 following means the attack was a crit.
For casters, 27072 is the spell ID of frostbolt. For other spells, go to , look up the spellname (in abilities after search), and use the spell ID which is the number in the address bar. So for example Frostbolt rank 13 is 27072, Fireball rank 13 is 27070, or Shadow Bolt rank 11 is 27079. Type in the spell name after the number.
The 0x10 in spells refers to the spell school. 0x10 is Frost. The values are:
school spellSchool
physical 0x01
holy 0x02
fire 0x04
nature 0x08
frost 0x10
shadow 0x20
arcane 0x40
Be sure to change appropriately - if you are a warlock, use fire or shadow, for fire mages use fire, and so on.
So if you are for example a fire mage, your macro would be:
/script Recount:CombatLogEvent(nil,GetTime(),'SPELL_DAMAGE ',UnitGUID('player'),UnitName( 'player'),0x511,UnitGUID('target'),UnitName('T arge t'),0x10a48,27070,'Fireball',0 x04,3375+random(1000),16,0,0,0,1,nil,nil);

How To Ignore Spells On Details Dmg Meter Download

Put this in a macro, and put the macro somewhere on your button bars. Now while you are fighting trash, boss, or whatever just click the button while you are regularly casting fireball (make sure you have a unfriendly target selected!). You will see your numbers jumping up in the damage meters. You can keep clicking in the middle of casts, it won't interrupt them or anything, just keeps your numbers jumping up!
Don't spam too much or you will do like 4x the damage of the next person, and people will be very suspicious. If you keep yourself always in the top 5 I find it works best, and your guild leaders and officers think you are elite
You can see more details on the parameters at this page, although its pretty technical:
Any questions post away!