Hunter Beast Mastery Dmg Macro
Beast Mastery Hunter Priority Lists BM is all about using your cooldowns as much as possible and maximizing your Bestial Wrath windows, and in order to do that, you need to practice proper Focus management. Capping your Focus is bad, but so is spending to the point where you enter a Bestial Wrath window with a low amount of Focus. Beast Mastery Hunter PvE Talent Build. Below is our recommended talent build for maximizing damage output. Many different combinations of talents can be effective, so while the below build is our recommendation-take the time to read each talent and decide for yourself. A Beast Mastery Hunter's Focus has a maximum capacity of 120, and regenerates at a slow rate that varies by spec. In addition to this passive flow of incoming Focus, certain talents and abilities will amplify your Focus regeneration, or simply generate more of it.
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Whether you're looking for specialized Beast Mastery Hunter macros to help you gain a competitive edge, or creating a custom user interface to expand your view of the game world, this page will help get you started with some of the most popular choices within the Beast Mastery Hunter community. Macros and addons are an integral part of a raider's arsenal as they can make it easier to perform a variety of tasks, improving your overall game experience. Below, we present macros and addons that can be useful to a Beast Mastery Hunter. On the left side, you will find links to the other parts of the guide. Macros ↑top 1.1. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. They call us lazy, we call it smart. These macros contain abilities which are only available for certain hunter specs. How tyo mount a dmg image. Beast Mastery Hunter Macros Bestial Wrath DPS Macro. This macro sends your pet in to attack your target and uses your major damage cooldowns. One button press will activate your trinket, cast Bestial Wrath, Kill Command & Rabid (Ferocity pets only).
Beast Mastery Hunter Macros Legion
Just started playing some BM for the first time here in BfA, played a bit of MM in Legion etc.
Reading the icy-veins guide for BM, there is some stuff about macros, and I would like to make sure I understand this correct:
1.1.4. Petattack Macros
It is a good idea to include a command to force your pet to switch to your current important target. We recommend tying this line to abilities like Kill Command Icon Kill Command for Beast Mastery Hunters, Aimed Shot Icon Aimed Shot for Marksmanship Hunters, and Kill Command Icon Kill Command for Survival Hunters, as these are abilities you tend to use on your primary target. For Beast Mastery, it should also be put in a Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot macro, so that you can use your Multi-Shot button to also manage your pet's target, and thus its position to maximize Beast Cleave benefit.
#showtooltip Kill Command
/cast Kill Command
#showtooltip Multi-Shot
/cast Multi-Shot
But, then it also says:
1.2.1. Basic Attack Macros (to Be Put in Other Macros)
Because the in-game 'auto-cast' system for Hunter pets is very slow, it is recommended to put these 3 lines into macros for all of your offensive spells.
/use Claw(Basic Attack)
/use Bite(Basic Attack)
/use Smack(Basic Attack)
So, should my macro be like:
#showtooltip Kill Command
/cast Kill Command
/use Claw(Basic Attack)
/use Bite(Basic Attack)
/use Smack(Basic Attack)
#showtooltip Multi-Shot
/cast Multi-Shot
/use Claw(Basic Attack)
/use Bite(Basic Attack)
/use Smack(Basic Attack)