In Path Of Exile Does Int Give You Spell Dmg

I'm fresh new to the game and I am kind of confused about how builds work in this game.
My understanding is that anyone can equip any kind of colour of gem skill/spell, right? The only thing that changes you on your class is where you start off on the passive grid, yes? That and what special abilities/passive your ascension receives?
If there are poison spells I want to use would it be viable to build a Shadow/Assassin to get the extra poison damage and still use wands/staffs and put points into intelligence on the passive?
Or make a tanky warrior/slayer who does the same casting fireballs or ice shards. Or am I pretty much locked into the Witch class for all that?
I don't even see any poison skills for that class in any ascension sub-classes.
Sorry for noob question; still trying to learn everything and there is a lot to take in.
Last bumped on Mar 9, 2020, 2:55:35 AM
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 3:43:24 PM

My understanding is that anyone can equip any kind of colour of gem skill/spell, right? The only thing that changes you on your class is where you start off on the passive grid, yes? That and what special abilities/passive your ascension receives?
Answer: Yes, but skills has a minimum of dex/str/int. so you should ensure that you get enough attributes to get the skill too level 20. Some skills will always be better for some characteres as the passive skill tree determines how far you have too travel too get what you want.
If there are poison spells I want to use would it be viable to build a Shadow/Assassin to get the extra poison damage and still use wands/staffs and put points into intelligence on the passive?
Answer: Yes. If you are a new player i would recommend using one of the build guides in the forum, this will make your life way easier - especially when you are still learning this huge game.
Or make a tanky warrior/slayer who does the same casting fireballs or ice shards. Or am I pretty much locked into the Witch class for all that?
I don't even see any poison skills for that class in any ascension sub-classes.
Answer: Yes you can make what ever you like. tanky warrior with eg. cyclone, cast on crit with ice shard or fireball is fully viable. Only up too your imagination and build skills. But use a guide.
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 4:17:25 PM
Sounds good, thanks.
I've been skimming some guides here and there and watching some quick intro guides on Youtube but as I mentioned, overwhelming a bit.
Not that I really care, but as someone who played WoW since almost the beginning and back when talent trees were more complex you really had to spec correctly. Otherwise, when in a party running a dungeon or a raid group people would criticize you for not being optimized.
How is that in the PoE community?
I mean, I imagine people would kind of freak out at the end game level if you're a Slayer or Jugg or Ranger shooting fireballs and not getting the benefits from the Elementalist passives.
But again, I'm not sure if there are other things to make up for this.
I also just find it really weird all the Witch sub-classes has nothing for poison, not even Necromancer (unless I missed something?).
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 4:38:43 PM
Most people don't really party.
And probably wouldn't roll slayer or jugg for fireballs simply because there's no benefit to it in ascendancy.
But you could do it with Shadow without any issues. Fireball trickster is one of my favorite builds
You could technically use Occultist in poison build because of chaos damage over time multiplier and stuff but Assassin or pathfinder just has more quality of life for poison stuff
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 4:57:23 PM
Anyone can use any skill or gear so long as they meet the minimum requirements. As simoniknow mentioned, everything will have a minimum attribute requirement. A marauder, for example, will have a tough time using a high level Haste aura (155 dex for L20 gem) and The Queen’s Hunger body armour (194 intelligence) because they will naturally get mostly strength.
Builds rely heavily on the associated Ascendencies, so while anyone can use anything, specific builds are Ascendency-specific. Attack skills are also weapon-specific. You cannot Leap Slam If wielding a wand for example.
The community is largely solo play, and I’ve never been in a group that actually cared about how or what you do beyond anything that may affect their frame rate. Summoners for example may be banned from specific groups because they affect performance more. Likewise some groups may require you to remove MTX for the same reason.
If you want to sling fireballs as a Slayer, I don’t see how effective that will be, but by all means good luck on making that work. I suspect with the new trigger support gem Spellslinger, we’ll see more of these types of builds.
PoE Tool Compilation
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Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 5:09:31 PM
Fireball trickster is one of my favorite builds
You could technically use Occultist in poison build because of chaos damage over time multiplier and stuff but Assassin or pathfinder just has more quality of life for poison stuff

I'll have to look into that sometime, thx.
Wait, is poison dmg the same as chaos dmg? Sorry if that's a noob question. Does this also mean that any attack/spell can inflict poison dmg or dot dmg?
But yes, after looking up 'poison builds' on YT and other pages I keep coming across skills or attacks named 'venom gyre' or 'viper lash' or some kind of poison arrow..are there really 0 poison spells in the game??? (o.O)
Part of the reason I d-loaded PoE was that people kept telling me there are 1000+ skills/passives and ways to make a build so I wanted to make some kind of D2/D3 necromancer caster.
Last edited by Slavpocalypse on Mar 3, 2020, 6:29:39 PM
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 6:28:52 PM
Fireball trickster is one of my favorite builds
You could technically use Occultist in poison build because of chaos damage over time multiplier and stuff but Assassin or pathfinder just has more quality of life for poison stuff

I'll have to look into that sometime, thx.
Wait, is poison dmg the same as chaos dmg? Sorry if that's a noob question. Does this also mean that any attack/spell can inflict poison dmg or dot dmg?
But yes, after looking up 'poison builds' on YT and other pages I keep coming across with skills or attacks named 'venom gyre' or 'viper lash' or some kind of poison arrow..are there really 0 poison spells in the game??? (o.O)
Part of the reason I d-loaded PoE was that people kept telling me there are 1000+ skills/passives and ways to make a build so I wanted to make some kind of D2/D3 necromancer caster.

All poison damage is chaos damage, yes. Not all chaos damage is poison.
Also not all chaos damage over time is poison while all poison is that.
You can make most spells poison but it usually requires more investment and might still not be very efficient. for example. Or you can put in poison support and so on and get enough chaos damage to the spell that the poison actually deals damage. Poison is also something you really want to invest in a lot on the damage over time portion instead of the initial hit.
A large amount of the poison related stuff is near shadow / ranger.
Some people do use some spells to cause poison but those builds are built around Herald of Agony so their poison doesn't even deal much damage, just used so the Crawler from Herald of Agony is at peak performance.
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 6:39:07 PM
PoE has 5 damage types: physical, chaos, fire, cold, lightning. The latter three are known as elemental damage. All 5 damage types have a type of ailment associated with them. The ailment for chaos damage is poison. Any hit with a chance and ability to hit can poison. Attacks and spells that do not hit cannot poison. At its base poison deals 20% chaos damage of the combined physical and chaos damage (from hit) over 4 seconds. You can buff the duration, rate at which damage ticks, and total damage per tic. There is no limit to the number of stacks.
You will not have a skill that inflicts poison. Rather you will have a skill that hits with either physical or chaos damage and can inflict poison in addition to the hit amount.
PoE Tool Compilation
Scamware! Protect Yourself From the Dark Side
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 9:21:09 PM
You can make most spells poison but it usually requires more investment and might still not be very efficient. for example. Or you can put in poison support and so on and get enough chaos damage to the spell that the poison actually deals damage. Poison is also something you really want to invest in a lot on the damage over time portion instead of the initial hit.
A large amount of the poison related stuff is near shadow / ranger.

Right, I was looking at, and and was wondering what would happen if I socket these 3 into a spell such as Frostbolt? Would one of those add flat extra raw spell dmg to my frostbolt, but only 20% of my frostbolt would do poison ailment dmg then? Or even worse, the poison dot would only be 20% of the small amount of extra dmg the support gem gives?
I see your point about possibly not being efficient.
If I try to make a cold spell into poison then I'd need to pick up as much Chaos, DoT, Cold, Elemental, Spell dmg affixes on gear and passives to buff the direct dmg of frostbolt and decent poison dmg?
I'm not sure if gear can even roll with all 5 of those things on it at once? Or if there are enough passive points to cover all those in the skill tree?
I see items like, and which makes me wonder if this can be a viable build what I'm trying to do.
Something tells me it may not be and there are probably better items to go all in on chaos/poison or cold dmg only?
I just got excited when I d-loaded PoE at insane amount of flexibility you can apparently work with but it feels like more of D3 where you just stack one dmg type/skill.
Idk if that's true or not as I'm still quite green and learning.
At its base poison deals 20% chaos damage of the combined physical and chaos damage (from hit) over 4 seconds. You can buff the duration, rate at which damage ticks, and total damage per tic. There is no limit to the number of stacks.

Ya, with what I wrote above this is what concerns me trying to go with a hybrid build that uses an element and deals poison dmg as well. I'm not sure if there is room for both or not and if it'll be any good in endgame.
Last edited by Slavpocalypse on Mar 3, 2020, 10:12:49 PM
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 10:06:05 PM
That would give the spell 100% chance to poison.
You'd need to fit in enough chaos damage for it to be worth it though.
or those unique gloves so you could scale it from the cold.
Like you could probably get it to work with a lot of investment but then the poison with those gloves would last quite short time because they cut the duration.
In all games like that you are better off investing to 1 type of damage. More special builds need more expensive gear and thus less beginner friendly
Spreading your stats to too wide area leads to not having enough damage, health, crit and so on.
You also have limited sockets for gems so you want to make 1 skill your main offense and have some other skills to support your main offense.
I'd recommend getting to know the game before planning a build.
There have been builds that use those gloves i linked, deal ele dmg and do mostly poison. Mathil1 had one like that this league. it was attack based though
Last edited by imanubcake on Mar 3, 2020, 10:20:22 PM
Posted by
on Mar 3, 2020, 10:19:09 PM

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In Path Of Exile Does Int Give You Spell Dmg 2

Jan 08, 2013 The Spell Damage is additive and 5% increased Damage will always increse the damage by 5%. But if you get too much Spell Damage, Increased Attack Speed will get more effective. If you got 50% Spell Damage with 100 Base Damage and get another 5% Spell Damage, it will only increase the Damage by 5% of the Base Damage (100). Does my weapon damage even matter for my spell damage? Let's say I'm using the spell Freezing Pulse.How do I get the damage of that to increase other than to level up the skill gem or use support gems. Is the only way to increase the damage by putting points into 'increased spell damage' in the passive tree and finding that stat on items? As Belchris said, you probably won't have enough gem slots for spells. Even if you do, the damage will be very low, because you won't have enough spare skill points to put in passives that increase your spell damage. 4: zombies or skeletons: this is up to you, there are builds with only skeletons, only zombies, or both. For instance, with a multiplier of 250%, if you deal a Critical Strike with attack that normally does 100 damage, you will instead deal 250 damage. The chance to deal a critical strike is taken from the weapon used to perform an attack or attack skill, and in the case of spells, each spell has it's own critical strike chance, which is listed in. Mar 13, 2013  If anything, I would have made wands' implicit attribute an accuracy bonus, since it's an int weapon and accuracy is int's Achilles heel. Also, if you go wand-slinger, you're not really encouraged to be much of a spell-caster either. Properly supported wand attacks can be enough. You really don't need that spell damage.

Digimon next order dmg really high. Agnimon is Perfect?I mean I understand they have to somehow fit these level-less types into the system since all the other digimon go by it, but OmegaShoutmon definitely feels out of place as Adult.As far as cross series listings go, I'd imagine it might be more worthwhile to compare the roster of Re:Digitize vs -next 0rder-, since those are both World type games as opposed to Story.Story's systems I think gives it more flexibility to add whoever they want, while World's systems is more limiting, hence why you see so many recolours.