Is Sona Healing Through Dmg On Aram

Unfortunately dmg has stopped in android phone

Can we talk about Soraka on ARAM? Can we talk about Soraka on ARAM? Linna Excel (NA) submitted in Gameplay. I'm starting not to like getting Soraka in ARAM. Soraka is the game's 'dedicated healer'. ARAM pretty much hates on healers in general (check that little icon thingy at the bottom). And she's extra punished for healing because ARAM. Aug 02, 2014  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'. SONA on ARAM - Healing nerfs. Uminaga (NA) submitted in Gameplay. I've played plenty of ARAM games since it started. And my number one fear is a Sona on the other team. We've probably all played against one and we probably all played as one. But most of the time you find yourself against one because everyone has her (ip/rp cost wise. So i was just going through the patch notes and saw this there. I know its just aram and that it doesnt matter this much but why do champs like sejuani which are tanky as fck take less dmg or nidalee who is insanely good in aram deal 12% more dmg in aram after the nerf before 15%. Apr 18, 2018  In this video I show you runes for Sona. Skip navigation Sign in. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue.

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To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. VCS Summer 2019 VCS Discord Official YouTube Inofficial English Stream Leaguepedia GAM Esports 2 - 0 Dashing Buffalo GAM Leaguepedia Website Facebook Twitter YouTube DBL Leaguepedia Website Facebook Twitter YouTube MATCH 1: DBL vs. Consistently having lowest dmg as nidalee build. GAM Winner: GAM Esports in 33:42 MVP:© Post 'OC VCS Worlds Preview, Part 2: Levi and the boys are back – meet Vietnam’s #1 seed GAM Esports, formerly known as the Gigabyte Marines!' For game.Top 10 Most Anticipated Video Games of 20202020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.Top 15 NEW Games of 2020 FIRST HALF2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world.

AP Sona: Mana-Cannon (ARAM Build)

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AP Sona Mana-Cannon Build
(This is my First Build Guide, Constructive Criticism Welcome)

All Random, All Mid (ARAM) is my Favored Game mode to play. One reason is builds that would be frowned upon, or would be really bad in Summoner's Rift can be quite viable.
This ARAM build's focus is to stack Mana, with (or ) to convert it into AP and abuse procs with .
Please Refer to the Notes above for details on Items, Masteries, and Runes.

Change Log

4/11/2014 - Added change log, Adjusted Core Purchases Order w/Note, Added 'Captain' boot enchant option, Added joke Pro and Con, Updated Summoner Spells.

Pros / Cons

+ Good Burst & Sustained damage
+ Big Shift after Archangels/Seraph's is built
+ Great teammate to have on ARAM
+ Heals, Slows, AOE Dmg, Off/Def/Speed Buffs, Stun, etc..
+ Teams with Sona often win ARAM
- Glass Cannon (lessened after RoA)
- Often Focused/Burst Down
- Squishy
- Can Lag teammates with low-end computers/toasters
- Spamming Q-W-E in rapid succession may lead to excessive Wear-&-Tear for your keyboard


Staring with all 3 basic abilities allows for quick mana charge stacks on .
  • Use to poke/harrass, or just for the passive aura for team mates to have stronger pokes.
  • Use to heal yourself and a nearby ally after taking a hit, or use as proactive Armor/MR boost on incoming Poke(s).
  • Use to get back from base to lane, to boost teammates' escapes or chases, or to just guarantee an assist on a kill when you are too far away.
Before getting , Sona's should be used sparingly. Try only using it to stun 2 ore more enemies at once. After completing , and a point or 2 more into it, spamming the skill to secure a kill/ace, to stop enemies when chased, or just to make enemies dance is fine(not really that last one).
Good use of , Sona's passive, is key to this build, especially upon building (or even just the ).
  • + is great burst damage, and with enough CDR, great sustained damage, and a good turret buster with .
  • + is best used against an enemy just before heavy burst, be it a high damage ultimate, or an assassin's skill spam.
  • + is useful for Kiting, denying chase, or giving chase.

When no enemies are around, or your running to lane, or away from the enemy base to prevent a counter push, Just spamming your abilities, minding the Cooldown on 's mana charge, is a good idea. You want to have ~400+ mana charged on it before finishing , depending on how much gold you make before dying.
After building or , mind the 2 second Cooldown on the SpellBlade passive when pushing creep waves and turrets/inhibitor. Even with just 20% CDR, your skills will be spammable enough to cast one every 2 seconds to burn through targets. Always try to have be the spell that procs when pushing.

Summoner Spells

is my first choice for any champ on ARAM. Very useful for when Pulled/leashed into enemy team (,), when your about to be hit with a heavy skill (), or burst down by skill spam().
is a staple for most, and with the change to , is now my go-to second summoner spell. The Utility is brings is hard to beat.Sona
was my default secondary summoner spell on ARAM when it was a party heal. Now that it is only a 2 person heal, its not up to par anymore. You'll have a better, more spammable, heal in your arsenal for just being .
is 'meh' on ARAM, in my opinion. I've rarely seen it secure a kill. Sure its useful for the Greiv Wounds, but with no Recall/Fountain healing, pokes are better suited then it.
on ARAM? Can't recall seeing someone with it, let alone it being useful. It's got good utility, but I find better.
.. Nope. This build has u start with 2 Mana pots, with gold to spare for more if you're sketchy on your mana usage. Also, after Catalyst/RoA you'll never have Mana issues, so 's usefulness drops off quick.


This is my favorite version of this build to play when I get Sona on ARAM.
In the future I may add additional AP Sona ARAM builds to this guide, especially if requested. *nudgenudge*
Thanks for reading this build guide & let me know what you think, and/or how the build works out should you try it for yourself. Which might take time, as you might not get Sona whilst playing ARAM.

Is Sona Healing Through Dmg On Aram Water

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