Mhw Higher Affinity Means Better Crit Dmg

  • Damage Type
  • Sharpness
  • Elemental Value

Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dec 19, 2018  Weapon Affinity can make or break a build in Monster Hunter World, especially in the late game. A few of World’s systems could benefit from a bit more explaining, especially with the new influx. Jul 09, 2019  Monster Hunter World weapon types come in a range of shapes and sizes, and deciding which is the best weapon type for you to choose from can feel overwhelming. This page has a. Affinity is the chance to deal critical damage which is 125% or weak attack that does only 75% of you damage, with 0 affinity: you will always deal 100% damage, with 10% affinity: 10% of your attacks will deal 125% damage, 90% will do 100% with -20% affinity: 20% of your attacks will deal only 75% damage. 80% will do 100%, no 125% damage Tip: Affinity positive damage done can be increase from 25% to 40% with Critical Boost Critical Eye +7 gives a static 30% affinity Critical Draw gives. It seems to me like the Seregios GS is about as good as the Diablos GS, if not a bit better, between not needing S+1 and being able to sharpen by evading, and even having slightly higher effective raw for non-crit. Draw attacks.

Affinity gives a% boost to your damage, Attack Up gives a flat boost. As your atk goes up, eventually the% boost is going to be higher Than the flat boost. Problem is you have to run the math on every weapon to Know which is better at what atk.

Damage Type

When attacks strike a monster, two types of damage are dealt: Physical (Raw) damage, and Elemental damage (but only if the weapon has an Elemental attribute).

Some weapons have an abnormal status attribute instead of an Elemental attribute. These weapons will Physical damage and apply Status damage.

Physical damage includes Severing-type damage, Blunt-type damage, and Projectile-type damage. Elemental damage includes Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon. There are also other sources of damage such as Fixed damage and Status damage. All damage types are dealt independent of each other.


Severing (sometimes known as Cutting) damage is the primary damage type for the following weapons:

The following attacks also deal Severing damage:

  • Hunting Horn's Handle Poke
  • Bow's Melee Attack deals Severing damage
  • Some Kinsects deal Severing damage
  • Slicing shot from Bowguns

Tails can only be cut by Severing damage. This happens when sufficient Severing damage has been accumulated on the tail, which then severs it.


Blunt damage is the primary damage type for the following weapons:

The following attacks also deal Blunt damage:

  • Sword & Shield's shield-oriented attacks
    • Sword/Shield Combo
    • Shield Attack
    • Shield Bash
    • Hard Bash
    • Falling Bash
  • Lance's Shield Attack
  • Kinsects with Blunt attribute

Blunt weapons deal Exhaust status when they hit a monster. If they hit a monster's head, they deal Stun damage.


Projectile damage is the primary damage type for the following weapons:

Gunlance's Shelling attacks deal Fixed damage instead of Projectile damage.


Elemental Attributes:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Thunder
  • Ice
  • Dragon

Blademaster weapons can have an Elemental attribute, a Status attribute, or neither. Some Dual Blades have two Elemental/Status attributes, one for each blade.

The Bow may have an Elemental attribute. The Bowguns do not have natural Elemental attributes, but they can load Elemental shots that effectively functions as dealing Elemental damage when it hits a monster.

Elemental damage is mainly affected by the weapon's Elemental value and the monster's Elemental Hitzone. Abnormal Status damage is not affected by the monster's Physical or Elemental Hitzone values. Blademaster weapons have a 1-in-3 chance per hit to apply Abnormal Status damage, while Gunner weapons always apply Abnormal Status damage.

If a monster has no weakness to a specific element on their Hitzone, then no Elemental damage is dealt. The Physical damage done by the weapon is not affected, as Elemental and Physical damage are calculated separately.

Status Attacks

Abnormal Status attributes:

  • Poison
  • Paralysis
  • Sleep
  • Blast

Blademaster weapons can have an Abnormal Status attribute instead of an Elemental attribute. Bows cannot have a natural Status attribute, but may equip Status Coatings to make fired arrows apply Status damage. Equipping Status Coatings will disable the Bow's Elemental attribute temporarily. The Bowguns do not have natural Abnormal Status attributes, but can load Status shots that apply Abnormal Status damage.

For Blademaster weapons, each time an attack lands, the attack has a 1-in-3 chance of applyingAbnormal Status damage. For Gunner weapons, a successful hit will always apply Abnormal Status damage.

Applying Abnormal Status damage to a monster does not instantly activate it's effect. Instead, monsters have an innate tolerance to Status Ailments. To trigger a Status Ailment, enough Status damage must be dealt to a monster to overcome its tolerance threshold. Once a monster is affilicted with the Ailment, the accumulated Status damage is reset to 0 and additional Status damage cannot be dealt until the monster recovers. The only exception to this is Poison.

After the monster recovers, its tolerance threshold for the Ailment increases. This means it takes more Status damage must be accumulated before being able to inflict the monster with the same Ailment.

For all Ailments (except Blast), the accumulated Status damage disappears gradually due to the monster's tolerances. Overcoming this gradual decay is necessary to successfully trigger a Status Ailment on a monster.

PoisonSlowly drain the monster's health
ParalysisTemporarily immobilizes the monster and makes it take a bit more damage
SleepPut the monster to sleep
StunStun/KO the monster, which topples and immobilizes it
ExhaustedDrain the monster's stamina, making it tired
BlastTriggers an explosion on a specific monster part, which deals damage

Factors for Damage Calculation

The following factors influence damage calculations:

BM = Blademaster

FactorBM (Physical)BM (Elemental)Bowgun (Physical)Bowgun (Elemental)
Attack ValueOOOO
Motion ValueOO
Weapon AdjustmentOOOO
Sharpness AdjustmentO
Critical HitOO
Monster HitzoneOOOO
Elemental ValueOO
Projectile AdjustmentO
Critical DistanceO
Rapid Fire AdjustmentOO

Attack Value

The Attack value of the Hunter is calculated from the Hunter's equipped weapon, offensive boosts (e.g. being in DB's Archdemon Mode or having a HH attack buff), equipped skills, items, and Food skills. When damage is calculated, only True values are used, and the Displayed Attack value is adjusted down by the Display Multiplier.

Motion Values

All weapon attacks have a Motion Value (MV), which determines what proportion of the Attack value is used in damage calculations. For example, a weaker move with 40 MV uses applies 40% of the Attack Value in calculating damage, while a stronger move with 80 MV applies 80% of the Attack Value in calculating damage.

In general, slow weapons make up for their slower attacks with larger MVs, and fast weapons make up for their faster attacks with smaller MVs.


Sharpness describes how sharp a weapon is. Sharper weapons deal more damage and are less likely to bounce when hitting tough body parts.

Weapon Sharpness is split into discrete colors (see below). Different colors provide different multipliers to the damage dealt by the player.


In addition to lower damage, weaker Sharpness colors causes some weapons to lose functionality. For example, at Orange Sharpness, the Gunlance's shells will deal less damage, the Switch Axe may bounce while in Sword mode, and the Dual Blades will not complete its full Blade Dance animation. At Red Sharpness, the Gunlance cannot shell.

Sharpness Gauge and Consumption

Each weapon can only make a specific amount of hits in a specific sharpness color before it dulls and and the sharpness color is lowered. Sharpness is consumed when a player lands an attack, but some shield attacks from the SnS and Lance do not deplete Sharpness.

Although most attacks deplete Sharpness by one per hit, some weapons have attacks that deplete Sharpness faster:

AttackSharpness Cost
Normal Attacks Landing1
Normal Attacks Bounced2
Guarding with GS or CB*, small knockback1**
Guarding with GS or CB*, medium knockback2**
Guarding with GS or CB*, large knockback10**
Gunlance Shell, Normal2
Gunlance Shell, Long2
Gunlance Shell, Spread3
Gunlance's Wyvern Fire10
Gunlance's Burst FireShell Count x Shell Cost

*Charge Blade with Elemental Boost doesn't lose Sharpness when guarding.** Doesn't lose sharpness when blocking roars, wind pressure, or tremors.

Sharpness can be restored by sharpening the weapon with a Whetstone.

Weapon Adjustment

Certain attacks have inherent damage bonuses:

WeaponAttack NamePhysical BonusElemental Bonus
SnSCharged Slash+XXL
Dual BladesDemon Mode+M
Dual BladesWhen both blade strike at the same time-L
Great SwordCharged Slash Lv1+S
Great SwordCharged Slash Lv2+M
Great SwordCharged Slash Lv3+XL
Great SwordStrong Charged Slash Lv1+XXL
Great SwordStrong Charged Slash Lv2+XXL
Great SwordStrong Charged Slash Lv3+XXL
Long SwordWhite Spirit Gauge+XS
Long SwordYellow Spirit Gauge+S
Long SwordRed Spirit Gauge+M
LanceDash Attack-XXL
GunlanceCharged Shot (Normal/Long)+M
GunlanceCharged Shot (Spread)+XL
GunlanceBurst Fire (Normal)+S
GunlanceBurst Fire (Spread)-S
GunlanceWyvern Fire (Long)+M
Switch AxePower Phial+M
Switch AxeElemental Phial+L
Charge BladeElemental Phial+XXL
Charge BladeElemental Boost (Axe Mode)+M
Insect GlaiveRed+White+M
Insect GlaiveRed+White+Orange+M
BowPower Phial+XL
BowElemental Phial+XL
BowMelee Attack-XXL
BowCharge Lv 1-XXL-L
BowCharge Lv 2- M
BowCharge Lv 3+XL
BowCharge Lv 4+XXL+M
BowArc Shot-L-L

Sharpness Adjustment

Some moves modify Sharpness, which affects both damage output and the liklihood to bounce.

WeaponConditionSharpness Adjustment
Blademaster weaponYellow Sharpness. At the start of weapon swing-XL
Blademaster weaponYellow Sharpness. At the end of weapon swing-L
All Melee AttackHave the buff from Demon shot+S
Sword & ShieldAll Attack+XS
Great SwordAll Charged Attack, Lv 1+S
Great SwordAll Charged Attack, Lv 2+M
Great SwordAll Charged Attack, Lv 3+L
Great SwordHit with the middle of the blade+XS
Long SwordMax Spirit Gauge+S
Long SwordHit with the middle of the blade+XS
Lance*Damage based on Blunt Hitzone-L
BowMelee Attack with Close Range Coating+ L

* Lance/Hitzone Selection

Critical Hits and Feeble Hits

When an attack makes a Critical Hit, additional damage is dealt. When an attack makes a Feeble Hit, damage is reduced.

Critical Hits occur when a weapon has a positive Affinity value. Positive Affinity refers to the probability of making a Critical Hit on an attack. For example, a weapon with 20% Affinity will have a 20% chance of dealing a Critical Hit on an attack. Higher Affinity values will increase the likelihood of dealing a Critical Hit. A successful Critical Hit applies a +25% bonus to the weapon's Attack Value when calculating damage.

Feeble Hits occur when a weapon has a negative Affinity value. Negative Affinity refers to the probability of making a Feeble Hit on an attack. For example, a weapon with -20% affinity has a 20% chance of dealing a Feeble Hit. Lower negative Affinity Values increase the likelihood of dealing Feeble Hits. A Feeble Hit applies a -25% debuff to the weapon's Attack Value when calculating damage.

The below table briefly illustrates the interaction between Affinity and the probability of making a Critical or Feeble Hit:

AffinityProbabilityDamage Multiplier

Some skills influence Affinity values:

Skill/Food SkillEffects
Critical Eye 1+1%

Monster Hitzone

Monsters are comprised of different body parts, and each part has has different weaknesses to Physical damage and Elemental damage. The Physical weakness of a Hitzone does not affect it's Elemental weakness, and vice versa. If a Hitzone is not weak to a specific Element (i.e. a Hitzone value of 0), then no Elemental damage is dealt, but Physical damage is not impacted.

The higher the Hitzone value, the weaker it is. For example, if a monster's head has Hitzone values of 20/50/40 (corresponding to the Severing, Blunt, and Projectile damage types respectively), then Severing-type attacks deal 20% of its damage, Blunt-type attacks deal 50% of its damage, and Projectile-type attacks deal 40% of its damage.

A Hitzone is generally considered vulnerable when its Physical Hitzone value is 45 or higher or when its Elemental Hitzone value is 20 or higher.

Elemental Value

When a weapon with an Elemental attribute lands an attack, the weapon will deal Elemental damage on top of the Physical damage it deals. Player-dealt Elemental damage does not inflict Elemental Blights on monsters.

Unlike Physical damage, Elemental damage is not affected by Motion Values. However, some weapons may confer a bonus to its Elemental damage on specific attack moves. In general, faster hitting weapons are better suited at dealing Elemental damage because they make multiple hits in the same time it takes a slower hitting weapon to make one hit.

Excluding Hunting Horn buffs, Elemental Attack buffs from Skills and Food skills are capped at a sum of +20%.

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Elemental Crit Skill Adjustment

WeaponElemental Adjustment
Great Sword+M
Long Sword+L
Sword & Shield+XL
Dual Blades+XL
Hunting Horn+L
Switch Axe+L
Charge Blade+L
Insect Glaive+L
Light Bowgun+XL
Heavy Bowgun+XL

Projectile Adjustment

Skill/Food SkillAffected ProjectilesAdjustment
Normal UpNormal, Rapid+S
Pierce UpPierce+S
Spread UpSpread Ammo+M
Spread UpSpread Arrow+L

Critical Distance

Mhw Crit Element

For Gunner Weapons, Critical Distance (or Critical Range) refers to the distance at which a fired shot deals maximal damage. If the player is in Critical Distance, the aiming reticle will look like this:

Generally, being too close or too far away from the target will put the player outside of Critical Distance. Being too close or too far (i.e. outside of Critical Distance) will reduce the damage done by player Projectiles.

Critical Distance does not affect Affinity or Critical Hits.

Rapid Fire Adjustment

The Light Bowgun is capable of Rapid Fire, where the LBG shoots multiple shots in a single burst at the cost of 1 ammo. Each individual shot fired from Rapid Fire is weaker than a single shot of the same ammo type, but if most Rapid Fire shots land, their combined damage will exceed the damage done by firing just a single shot.

Rapid Fire TypeAdjustment
Lv 1 Normal x5-M
Lv 2 Normal x3-M
Lv 2 Normal x4-L
Lv 1 Pierce x3-L
Lv 2 Pierce x3-L
Lv 1 Pellet x3-M
Lv 2 Pellet x2-M
Lv 1 Sticky x2-L
Lv 2 Sticky x3-L
Lv 1 Sticky x2-L
Lv 2 Sticky x3-L
Lv 1 Crag x2-L
Lv 1 Fire x3-L
Lv 1 Fire x4-XL
Lv 1 Water x3-L
Lv 1 Thunder x3-L
Lv 1 Ice x3-L
Lv 1 Dragon x2-XL
Lv 1 Slicing x2-S
Lv 2 Slicing x2-S

Fixed Damage

Fixed damage is dealt directly to the monster and does not have a damage calculation. This means that Fixed damage attacks are not mitigated by the monster's Hitzone values or affected by the player's Attack value.

Some sources of Fixed damage, such as Gunlance shelling and Wyvern Fire, and Bowgun Sticky shot and Crag shot, also deal additional Fire damage. This additional Fire damage will be impacted by damage calculations.

CategoryDamage SourceDamage Dealt
SlingerParalysis Knife5
SlingerPoison Knife5
SlingerSleeping Knife5
ItemSmall Barrel Bomb20
ItemBarrel Bomb80
ItemBarrel Bomb G150
various other itemstbd
Charge BladePhial Burst - Counter3
Charge BladePhial Burst - ED5
Charge BladePhial Burst - AED10
Charge BladePhial Burst - SAED25

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Welcome to the first Iceborne meta builds compilation for PC! We reviewed the albums that were made for console launch and remade them when necessary. I decided to post it slightly before launch because I too want to play the game tomorrow this way everyone can have pointers about what to farm at the beginning and at the end of the story.

Most of these albums are the work of the lads at
Mathalos Nest, aka Jinjinx & Tuna's server where people actually do math on this game for whatever reason. A huge thanks also to Honey who constantly works hard to keep the builder updated with the most recent changes.


As usual, here's what you should expect (and not expect) from this compilation.

  1. The meta in MHW is, for several reasons¹, a damage-oriented meta. As such, the builds listed here will show the highest damage options available for every weapon type. Builds based on a different criteria (support, 'tanking', evasion etc) are NOT included in this list, but you are totally free to use them if you want.

  2. These builds are mainly fit for solo play, but can be used for multiplayer as well as long as you understand the difference between solo and MP (higher HP/stagger values, less predictable AI, etc).

  3. The builds are meant for general use unless specified otherwise (e.g. counter-builds).

  4. As a corollary of the previous point, these are not necessarily speedrunning builds either. Speedrunners often use specific setups for different monsters to abuse some of the game mechanics, which means their sets can't always be used as general builds through most of your hunts.

  5. These builds are endgame builds and assume you have access to the entire content of the game (i.e. MR100+). If you haven't reached endgame yet you can report to the Master Rank Transitional Sets section or to the 'poverty' builds that are present in some albums.

  6. The sets here are template builds that assume you mastered the basics of your weapon and you have a general knowledge of how to fight monsters. If you're not feeling confident in your skills yet, if you want less stressful runs or if you simply try something different you can obviously adapt the builds by adding the skills you want in them and sacrifice something else.

¹ To sum them up: damage is the only necessary and sufficient condition to complete any quest Mhw Higher Affinity Means Better Crit Dmg Free

I'm also gonna take this occasion to remind the skill changes that happened with IB update. To sum it up:

  • Critical Eye now gives 5% affinity for every level and a whopping 10% for the final level, for a total of 40% at lv7. This buff makes it the 2nd most efficient affinity boosting skill after Weakness Exploit (aka WEX).
  • Agitator got a massive series of buffs and is now a priority damage skill right after WEX, CE and Crit Boost. I'm not gonna go over every change, but in short you want at least lv1 in every build and possibly lv5 if you can.
  • Maximum Might is now pretty much unusable unless you're using a set bonus from a mediocre mid MR set that will be outclassed by later sets, so you will probably never see it in any melee build ever again.
  • because of the above changes, weapons with very negative affinity (-20% or less) are generally not recommended anymore.
  • since by upgrading to a MR weapon you are also losing your health augments (and I do recommend to use MR weapons), Peak Performance won't be relevant again until much later on.

Not sure what to farm? Here's a general progression guide for all weapons that will help you choose what to do through the story.
Please note that the MR* level is NOT an indication of when you should swap to that weapon, just of when you can acquire it. Some weapons that you can acquire very early will only be good later on when you progress further into their trees or when you unlock better armor sets.

Early MR

With that being said, here's a couple starter sets for different weapons.

  • Drachen melee set

Your endless hours of struggle fighting Behemoth weren't done in vain: Drachen set can still carry you far into Master Rank and it will be long before you get a decent replacement for it. Additionally, the Defender weapons that have been recently added will be your best bet for a starting weapon for several classes.

  • Kjarr bow set

Like in the base game, bow will have to wait quite a bit before having access to Critical Element. Luckily for us, if you farmed KT in the base game you will have access to bows with innate CE that you can use right off the bat with MR gear. This set can be used with any element, just swap the Fire Attack charm/decos for the corresponding element of your bow.

  • HBG Glutton set

To the surprise of literally no one, Glutton is still busted even in MR. You will have to wait past the end of the story to find a HBG that's better than this one.

  • LBG Defender set

Same set, different gun.

Mid MR

  • Nargacuga all-purpose set

Narga set bonus is your first good option in MR and also probably the best one until Teostra and the endgame. The good news is that it works well for all weapons except bows (your life will suck for a while still, sorry), so we don't really have to make multiple sets. This set will generally lose damage over Drachen, but it's a huge boost in defense to continue through the story more comfortably.

The empty slot on the chest can be used for Handicraft (melee) or Free Elem (bowguns), which can both be completed with the corresponding charm, or just for Agitator.

Endgame Meta Sets

Greatsword (GS)

  • Meta GS sets

    (note: album is not fully updated for the vanilla version yet)

Longsword (LS)

Sword and Shield (SnS)

Dual Blades (DB)

Macos convert hfs to apfs. If you wish to make the most of your Apple device, then you need to convert HFS to APFS. In this post, we will make you familiar with a smart and seamless way to convert HFS to APFS. Part 1: Easy way to Convert HFS/HFS+ to APFS Without Losing Data There are numerous ways to convert HFS to APFs. APFS to HFS+ Converter by Paragon Software easily reverts to the old good HFS+ for your specific scenarios. Create recovery media to boot up your Mac and then convert the system volume. Fast and lossless conversion of APFS volumes into HFS+ volumes. Select the drive (left side window pane) and select the “Convert to APFS” option from the drop-down list. If option is not available or greyed out then please read this article. How to revert/convert/downgrade APFS to HFS/HFS+ without data loss? Summary: This article shows you two risk-free ways to revert/convert APFS to HFS/HFS+.And if unfortunately you lose data after changing APFS to HFS/HFS+, don't feel panicked, just download iBoysoft. How to Revert a drive from APFS back to HFS+ Wednesday, December 19th, 2018 Author: Steve Sande. Apple’s new APFS (Apple File System) format is the default format for storage under macOS 10.14 Mojave, replacing the dependable and long-lived HFS+ format. However, there are still some instances where HFS+ needs to be used.

Charge Blade (CB)

  • Meta CB sets

Switch Axe (SA)


  • Meta hammer sets

Hunting Horn (HH)


Gunlance (GL)

Insect Glaive (IG)


Light Bowgun (LBG)

Heavy Bowgun (HBG)


  • Discord: Mathalos Nest Gathering Hall r/MHW
  • Kiranico

  • Arekkz Gaming

Source: Original link

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Mhw Higher Affinity Means Better Crit Dmg Lyrics

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