What Is Wow Chaos Dmg

Welcome to our Destruction Warlock guide for World of Warcraft — Battle for Azeroth (BfA) 8.3. Here, you will learn how to play as a Destruction Warlock in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons: from the very beginning to maximizing your DPS. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic DPS Warlock guide. Chaos (A few Creeps, Powerful Summoned Units) Chaos attacks do full damage to all armor types. Magic Damage (most spellcasters, air units) Magic attacks do extra damage against Light and Heavy armor, and reduced damage to Medium, Fortified armor, and Heroes. Magic attacks do 66% extra damage to ethereal units, and zero damage to magic-immune. I dual enchanted my greatsword with a chaos, and fire damage, i found that to be extremely effective. As, no matter what, it would always cause the extra damage. I also made use of the enchanting 25% Destruction Cost, on 4 of my pieces of armor, so i woulnd have to recharge my sword overall, i added up my greatswords normal damage, and the bonus damage from the chaos and fire, max output was. Apr 21, 2017  Is chaos damage considered Magic damage for purposes of Gnawed Thumb Ring. I got this 880ivl from weekly chest and been using it since as havoc dh. Most of my dmg (chaos strike and annihilation) is chaos dmg, but if this truly increases all dmg the better. Is chaos damage considered Magic damage for purposes of Gnawed Thumb Ring; Posting.

This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

What Is Wow Chaos Dmg Free

In Warcraft III, Units have Armor and Attack types that modify the damage they deal/take against other units. Install node 4.9.1 pkg dmg.

Chaos Strike works on all adds, Eye Beam states it's Chaos but in reality it is chromatic so it doesn't work (profit) on physical and holy. In the end it doesn't matter that much, go to the add that nobody (or the least people) is doing so you can interrupt the Beacon cast. Without sounding like an advocate for Chaos Bolt's 'pierces shields' ability, I am still a bit perplexed as to how they allowed Chaos Bolt to deal Shadow damage and Demon Bolt to deal Chaos damage. Guess they don't really do what it says on the tin:/.

  • 1Attack types
  • 2Armor types
  • 3Damage calculation tables

Attack types


Mainly used by melee or short ranged units. Effective against ground ranged units.
Examples: Knights, Huntresses


Primarily used by ranged attackers, ground, air, or structure. Effective against aerial units and spellcasters.
Examples: Crypt Fiends, Hippogryph Riders


Primarily used by spellcasters, but also by certain heavy air units. Effective against heavy infantry and cavalry. Introduced in patch 1.06.
Examples: Druids of the Talon, Gryphon Riders


Used by siege units, to destroy fortifications and spellcasters.
Examples: Meat Wagons, Mortar Teams


Used by Heroes. Full damage to all units except those with Fortified armor.
Introduced in patch 1.06.


Used by powerful creeps, generally level 7 and higher. The Black Citadel and Outland tilesets contain creeps below level 7 capable of using chaos attacks. Full damage to all armor types.
Used in the campaign by Chaos orcs, as well as high-ranking demons and demigods.
See also: Chaos (spell school)

Armor types


Primarily used by melee units, long-ranged siege weaponry, and summoned units.
Examples: Druids of the Claw, Demolishers


What Is Wow Chaos Dmg
Primarily used by ground ranged units.
Examples: Riflemen, Spell Breakers


Used by most air units, and Scout Towers for whatever reason.
Examples: Destroyers, Frost Wyrms


Mostly used by spellcasters, and certain air units. Equally vulnerable to all types of attack.
Examples: Necromancers, Gargoyles


Used by most buildings.
Also used by Siege Engines.


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Used by Heroes.
Resistant to most types of damage, except for Normal and Chaos. Takes 70% damage from Spells.


Used by powerful characters in the campaign.
Divine beings take only 5% damage from attack types other than Chaos, and only 50% damage from spells.

Damage calculation tables

The Frozen Throne


Reign of Chaos

In Reign of Chaos, Heavy, Medium, and Light armor have rotated. So Light takes extra from Normal, Medium takes extra from Magic, and Heavy takes extra from Piercing.

Also note basic melee units such as Grunts have Medium armor, but heavy melee such as Tauren have Heavy armor. Summons and Workers also have Medium armor.


Patch changes

Patch 1.03 (10/09/2002)
  • Creeps above level 6 now deal Chaos damage.
Previously they did Normal for melee, Piercing for ranged.
Patch 1.06 (06/04/2003)
  • New Attack Type: Hero. Previously, Heroes used the Normal attack type.
  • New Attack Type: Magic. Previously, Casters used the Piercing attack type.
  • New Armor Type: Unarmored. Previously, Casters used the Light armor type.
Patch 1.15 (05/11/2004)
  • Spells do 30% less damage to Heroes, from 25%.
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