Crit Atk Vs Crit Dmg

@Yuletide said:

@Grievuuz said:

@Yuletide said:

Apr 19, 2016 Both are better since atk and crt dmg are the biggest proportion in your actual damage not to mention melee+%% is excluded. So it is ideal if you can balance both. For instance if you use ultimi/dorry that is 10% crt dmg and 12% atk if you up it you will get +15% crt dmg and +15% atk.

@Grievuuz said:


What relevance does that have? ;o

Crit Chance, Attack Speed, & Attack Damage: Analysis. Comment below rating. I've seen allot of discussion over speed vs. Damage, and crits vs. So, I decided to put three builds of each (crits, AS, AD) through a testing sequence to determine which is better. And in terms of raw damage, crit Ashe wins over AD Ashe. Case 3: let's assume we have 100,000 atk &%55 atk &%66 crit dmg (this is if we take 5xAtk and 3xCrit Dmg) Math: a=atk(100,000)+%55atk(55,000)=155,000. B=a.2critical hit=310,000. C=b+(a.%416)=310,000 + 644,800 = 954,800. Case 4: let's assume we have 100,000 atk &%77 atk &%22 crit dmg (this is if we take 7xAtk and ONLY 1xCrit Dmg) Math: a=atk(100,000)+%77atk(77,000)=177,000. B=a.2critical hit=354,000. C=b+(a.%372)=354,000 + 658,440 = 1,012,440. Case 5: let's assume we have 100,000. Crit atk is the extra atk added into your base phy/mag atk upon a crit hit. Crit dmg% is the percentage increase to your total damage output after adding in phy atk%, phy dmg%, crit atk. Boss atk is the percentage increase you do towards BOSS enemies only. It is added after phy atk%, phy dmg% and before crit atk and crit dmg%. This is an album of cards that increase your critical attack damage, critical attack rate or both. Contentsshow Card Combos Exploration Rover Turbo & Repair Robot Turbo Combo effect: +10% additional Critical damage. Powerful Soldier Skeleton Info Item ID Compound Weapon Pre/Suffix.

it means that if you build crit you wont have any dmg in pvp, if you're a pvper its relevant, whats with the dumbass rhetorical question?

Crit Atk Or Crit Dmg

Considering how it was established that pure attack far outweighs crit dmg anyway, it's absolutely irrelevant - especially since the OP asked which of the two stats would yield him the highest return, he can only be speaking of scenarios where crit damage actually functions.

This is the folder on your computer that stores all of your apps. Convert dmg to iso mac.


Stay small.

so you'd rather it not get mentioned at all so people reading this thread can build both attack + crit if they have a high crit % roll on their items, only to find out later that there are no crits in pvp and they wasted all that money rerolling attack + crit dmg? yea ok kid u stay humble urself.

@Nopi said:
Now, if you do have a lot of crit chance, you could buff crit damage to give it more power.

Crit Atk Vs Crit Dmg 2016

Taking some liberties with those leaps in logic.

Find out later? So you're telling me that people gear up, spend tons of money on enhancing, rerolling stats and combine gems waaay before they step into pvp and find out that nothing crits?
If a person is even interested in pvp, they'll discover it on their own way before it becomes an issue.

Crit Atk Vs Crit Dmg Vs

Also who the hell rerolls gear from attack into crit damage? That makes no sense in the first place (I'll repeat myself since you didn't understand it the first time: We already established that attack > crit dmg), your story is full of holes - but your pride won't let you just accept that you were wrong and then move on, will it?

Crit Atk Vs Crit Dmg Download

Also 'kid' is like the most generic insult in existence, try a little harder next time you incestuous offspring.