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Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download
  1. Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download Windows 7
  2. Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download Free
  1. - Xcode 4.2 (xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg)
  2. Screenshots:
  3. http://imageshack.us/g/717/screenshot20120201at113.png/
  4. Dependencies:
  5. OS X versions 10.5 and greater ship with python, zope and twisted installed.
  6. (see http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads)
  7. Xcode 4 installs git by default (see /Developer/usr/bin).
  8. How to build:
  9. cd ~
  10. git clone git://github.com/etotheipi/BitcoinArmory.git
  11. git checkout qtdev
  12. cd ~/BitcoinArmory/cppForSwig/cryptopp
  13. sudo make install
  14. cd ~/BitcoinArmory/cppForSwig
  15. http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-cocoa-opensource-4.7.4.dmg
  16. Download, unpack and build SIP and PyQT4:
  17. http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Downloads/sip4/sip-4.13.1.tar.gz
  18. http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Downloads/PyQt4/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.9.tar.gz
  19. cd <source dir>
  20. make
  21. cd ~/BitcoinArmory
  22. PATCHES (for 02 Feb 2012, supposedly platform-independent)
  23. [!] UniversalTimer.cpp:1: error: bad value (native) for -march= switch
  24. You have to remove -march=native from COMPILER_OPTS
  25. e.g. using /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit Makefile
  26. [!]686-apple-darwin10-llvm-g++-4.2: -lcryptopp: linker input file unused because linking not done
  27. Happens due to using -c and -l together. You should remove $(LIBRARY_OPTS) from compiler lines.
  29. +$(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) UniversalTimer.cpp
  30. [!] ld: library not found for -lcryptopp
  31. You should make cryptopp (it comes along with the armory from git).
  32. make libcryptopp.a (could take a while)
  33. While installing cryptopp: cp: *.so: No such file or directory
  34. Skip it, it's okay - we don't need *.so, we need *.a.
  35. [!] Undefined symbols for architecture i386: '_Py_InitModule4'
  36. Add -lpython2.6 to the linker opts of cppForSwig/Makefile.
  37. [!] Armory incorrectly determines OSX data path and refuses to run.
  38. OS_WINDOWS = 'win' in opsys.lower()
  39. OS_LINUX = 'nix' in opsys.lower() or 'nux' in opsys.lower()
  40. OS_MACOSX = 'mac' in opsys.lower() or 'osx' in opsys.lower()
  41. There's a mess between 'win' and lowercase 'Darwin'. Use patches below.
  42. Actual patches:
  43. 1) Makefile patch:
  44. --- Makefile.orig Sun Jan 22 05:11:09 2012
  45. @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  46. #COMPILER_OPTS = -c -g -Wall -D_DEBUG
  47. +COMPILER_OPTS = -c -O2 -pipe
  48. @@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
  49. ifneq (exists, $(shell [ -d /usr/include/python2.7 ] && echo exists ))
  50. + LIBRARY_OPTS = -lcryptopp -lpthread -lpython2.6
  51. ifneq (exists, $(shell [ -d /usr/include/python2.6 ] && echo exists ))
  52. + LIBRARY_OPTS = -lcryptopp -lpthread -lpython2.5
  53. endif
  54. @@ -38,25 +40,25 @@
  55. # Rules for performing the compilation of each individual object file.
  56. UniversalTimer.o: UniversalTimer.h UniversalTimer.cpp
  58. + $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) UniversalTimer.cpp
  59. BinaryData.o: BinaryData.h BinaryData.cpp BtcUtils.h
  61. + $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) BinaryData.cpp
  62. BtcUtils.o: BtcUtils.h BtcUtils.cpp
  65. BlockObj.o: BinaryData.h BtcUtils.h BlockObjRef.h BlockObj.h BlockObj.cpp
  68. BlockObjRef.o: BinaryData.h BtcUtils.h BlockObj.h BlockObjRef.h BlockObjRef.cpp
  70. + $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) BlockObjRef.cpp
  71. BlockUtils.o: BlockUtils.h BinaryData.h UniversalTimer.h BlockUtils.cpp
  73. + $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) BlockUtils.cpp
  74. EncryptionUtils.o: BtcUtils.h BinaryData.h EncryptionUtils.h EncryptionUtils.cpp
  75. - $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) $(LIBRARY_OPTS) EncryptionUtils.cpp
  76. + $(COMPILER) $(COMPILER_OPTS) $(INCLUDE_OPTS) EncryptionUtils.cpp
  77. CppBlockUtils_wrap.cxx: BlockUtils.h BinaryData.h BlockObj.h BlockObjRef.h UniversalTimer.h BlockUtils.h BlockUtils.cpp CppBlockUtils.i
  78. swig $(SWIG_OPTS) -outdir ./ -v CppBlockUtils.i
  79. +++ armoryengine.py Thu Feb 2 00:24:34 2012
  80. # Get the host operating system
  81. opsys = platform.system()
  82. +OS_WINDOWS = 'win32' in opsys.lower() or 'windows' in opsys.lower()
  83. OS_LINUX = 'nix' in opsys.lower() or 'nux' in opsys.lower()
  84. -OS_MACOSX = 'mac' in opsys.lower() or 'osx' in opsys.lower()
  85. +OS_MACOSX = 'darwin' in opsys.lower() or 'osx' in opsys.lower()
  86. # Figure out the default directories for Satoshi client, and BicoinArmory
  87. @@ -761,21 +761,12 @@
  88. computed. Access to any information in the blockchain can be found via
  89. ''
  90. if blkfileNone:
  91. - if 'win' in opsys.lower():
  92. - blkfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'), 'Bitcoin', 'blk0001.dat')
  93. - if 'nix' in opsys.lower() or 'nux' in opsys.lower():
  94. - blkfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.bitcoin', 'blk0001.dat')
  95. - if 'mac' in opsys.lower() or 'osx' in opsys.lower():
  96. - blkfile = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/blk0001.dat')
  97. + blkfile = os.path.join(BTC_HOME_DIR, 'blk0001.dat')
  98. - if 'win' in opsys.lower():
  99. - blkfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'), 'Bitcoin/testnet', 'blk0001.dat')
  100. - if 'nix' in opsys.lower() or 'nux' in opsys.lower():
  101. - blkfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.bitcoin/testnet', 'blk0001.dat')
  102. - if 'mac' in opsys.lower() or 'osx' in opsys.lower():
  103. - blkfile = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/testnet/blk0001.dat')
  104. + blkfile = os.path.join(BTC_HOME_DIR, 'testnet', 'blk0001.dat')
  105. if not os.path.exists(blkfile):
  106. raise FileExistsError, ('File does not exist: %s' % blkfile)

Xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg Download Windows 7

2019阿里云最低价入口,含代金券(强烈推荐) XCode各版本对应的Mac OS操作系统版本; AMD+WIN7+VMware安装MAC OS X 10.6.3 和 Xcode 3.2.2. Jan 19, 2012  usr is of great importantance to us in the next steps. It's where cctools and GCC will go. So yes, this usr directory (and possibly Library) will eventually be 'dirty' and non-equivalent to the one in macOS (and in the next steps we will overwrite files in the directory). Dmg pdf 5e. Never copy the SDK directory back to macOS for any reason. Building cctools. You really should only apply the patch if you.

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